Chapter 3( Finding the leaf)

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SO it's been a week and i've gotten 10 levels up so i'm now level 11 and i'll just let you see the rest.


Name: Yato Neo 

Level: 11 100/1000

Age: 10

Sacred Gear: Albion

Titles: None 

Hp: 1100/1100

Cp: 1000/1000

VIT: 11

END: 8

INT: 200

WIS: 6

LCK: 3

STR: 14


I've done pretty well for only being here for a week anyways right now I am leaving the place I have been hiding out so I can actually find the leaf or any village except the hidden mist village because I will probably die cause of the war there or the genin entrance exams. Anyways I have left my camp/home for about 2 hours now. Now it's started to get dark and about to pack up when I heard people running in the distance so I got yamoto out my inventory and because I have been killing so many pigs I have leveled up my sword skills to level 12 so i'm pretty decent with a sword but not anywhere close to expert of even good so if I end up fighting a chunin or above I will most likely lose. So I started to get ready with my yamato then about two to three seconds a giant moose came out so I killed it was actually pretty hard because by the looks of it it was about level 8 so it was pretty hard but in the end I killed it and got 2 pounds of prime meat which to me because pig meat was pretty low on fat fo this will help me grow more. After putting the meat in my inventory and continue to walk to try and get to the leaf village.

.....f$ck I still have no idea where i'm going or where i'm at 

Okay right know I need to figure out where i'm out then I can continue on my journey because then I will be able to figure out how to get to the leaf village and meet Naruto.... Okay I know what to do now I will try to find a village to know where to go.

                       {time skip like 5 hours or so} 

f$cking Finally it's been so long now that the sun is going down but atleast I found a village right now i'm trying to find  a map or asking people what the direction of leaf village is but most people just ignore me since I look 8 and don't want to talk to me since I look a little weird cause of my eyes. You have to remember that I am technically the reincarnation of Mor Jin since I asked for his powers so my eyes are have the cross slit but it is different because of being gold/yellow its white with the pupil being blue which I think looks pretty good on me with my hair and everything else. Anyways I found a mot and found out I'm F$CKING 2 YEARS BEFORE THE STORY STARTS. Bruhhhh i've been so worried of not getting on time to meet Naruto or getting to the story but i've got so much time and i'm not even that far from the leaf village i'm only a couple hours away so i've decided to go anyways because I want to meet everyone and try to make friends with them and it would be weird if a kid came out of nowhere at the end of the school year.

... I was right. It was only two hours away and now I can see the gates of the village and am currently walking to it. Now i'm at the gate it is now the middle of the night and I see two sleeping guards and my god they are bad at their job anyways I shook them to wake them up because I just don't want to go in there guns blazing then get tracked down by anbu for trespassing then get killed for no goddamn reason.

" uh oh who are you?" the guard ask( I know they have names I just forgot them my bad)

"I'm Yato. I'm an orphan that was hopping to come here to become a ninja" 

"Oh ok kid I will have to put you in a hotel for now cause the hokages mansion is closed right now and we can't register until then got"

"got it" 

My god that was easy unlike how most fanfics say how easy it is.

So i'm in Naruto.... cool(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now