Chapter 19: Suffocating

Start from the beginning

The fleeting summer warmth would have to suffice for now.

"Bokuto-san," I gulped. My hand was still mid air as I went to knock at the door, but Bokuto had beaten me to it, flinging his front door open the second I was on his front step.

I stared wide eyed at the man I hadn't seen in nearly three months, and oh god, somehow he had gotten even better looking over the summer. Bokuto's skin was tanner, he looked like he had recently gotten a haircut, and jesus christ, he somehow seemed even more buff. And oh god, it was silent. It was so silent and I had to say something-- anything to get rid of that deafening silence.

How on earth had I not thought of what I was going to say before getting to Bokuto's house? I was the king of overthinking and yet, nothing. No words were coming to mind; the only thing keeping my focus being those piercing golden eyes.

Man I had missed those eyes.

Well fuck. This was definitely the longest anyone had gone without saying anything ever. Here I was, standing in front of my best friend... ex best friend? No, no, stay focused Keiji. Anyway, here I was standing in front of Bokuto silently, after not speaking to him in months, and he was just staring at me right back, waiting for me to say something. Now was my chance. This was my chance to apologize and make everything better. That's all I had to do, but instead, I suddenly found my face buried in a strong, broad, chest.

Bokuto's arms wrapped around me as he clutched me into him, and oh god he was warm. He was so warm. I wanted him to keep me warm forever. Was that too much to ask? Yes, yes it was. All I needed to ask right now was for forgiveness.

"A-agaashi," Bokuto wailed into my hair, his nose smashed into the side of my head. I wrapped my arms around his torso, my fingers finding his spine through his thin shirt as I breathed in the warmth that was Bokuto-san. Why had I been so scared to come here in the first place? Why had I been so worried that he'd still be mad at me? This was Bokuto we were talking about-- my Bokuto, and I should've known better.

"I missed you so much," Bo blabbered, his grip on me tightening as the bone crushing hug intensified. "Never leave me again 'Kaashi, please never."

I felt a piece of my heart break at those words.

I would never leave Bokuto again.

Never ever.

"Bokutho-san, can I comf in," I murmured into his chest, the sound muffled against his skin. I loosened my hold around Bo's waist in hopes that it would tip him off that he could loosen his grip on me as well, but I should've known better.

"O-of course!" Bokuto replied in between another sob as he took a large step back into his house, still continuing to hold me in the crumbling embrace. I struggled not to trip over my own two feet as I was blindly led into the Bokuto residence, when thankfully, my saving grace finally came.

"Keiji-kun? IS THAT YOU!?" A howling voice called.

"Mmfphh-," I mumbled in response, still inaudible against the black and white haired boy's chest.

"KOUTAROU LET HIM GO! YOU'RE CRUSHING POOR KEIJI-KUN!" The same voice came again, from the direction of the kitchen.

"Kou, you're gonna kill him. Can he even breath?" A calmer one chimed in, although I could hardly hear them over Bokuto's cries.

"I'M SORRY!" Bokuto angrily exclaimed as he finally released me. I grabbed onto his shoulder to steady myself as I attempted to catch my breath. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT I MISSED MY BEST FRIEND!" He wailed.

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