Jesabell & Who else?

Start from the beginning

we walked around the block

I kept thinking to myself...if this baby is born.....I'll put it in danger

Jason: babe! I've been calling you for the past 2 minutes

Genesis: sorry...just thinking...what were you saying

Jason: oh...I was saying wouldn't we put the baby in danger?

Genesis: that's what I was thinkin of...

we stayed quiet

Genesis: we should've thought about this....maybe I should g-

Jason: no...your not goin to give my baby up...

he sounded so serious

Jason: no...we can figure somethin out..we are not going to do anything to that baby...okay

Genesis: alright

after we ate we went back home...

once we got there, everyone was, Pattie and the kids were just watching

Genesis: what's going on

Tyler: training...they just watchin

maze: little miss bell wanted to but she threw a fit bc we didn't let her

Genesis: that so?

I looked at bell

she looked back

Genesis: come here...

she dragged herself to me

I got Tyler's gun

Jason: babe

Genesis: I got this

she swallowed...

Genesis: stand front of me

she did

Genesis: this a very powerful...look

I fired the gun, she jumped back

Genesis: scary right...

bell: yea

Genesis: hold it...and we'll try it together

she held it and pointed it at the middle

she fired and missed by a lot

Genesis: so...exactly when your'll understand...

bell: right

Jason and I went inside

Jason: babe...

Genesis: yes my lover

Jason: your a great sister

Genesis: I know know

(could we just a month.......nothing interesting happens besides they still haven't found tori or yea lets skip!)

                  *MONTH LATER*

(Genesis POV)

its been a month and my baby bump is a bit bigger

but not much, now that I'm pregnant I'm not allowed anywhere at all

how lame is that...I mean unless I have Jason will me

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