chaldea Part 1

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i wake up to see a white hallway

i was beyond confused and then a piece of paper fell into my lap

dear, y/n

i have sent you to the world of fate/grand order as a master of chaldea and also yes you do have a cheat but its more of a gift. i have given you all the weapons of the knights of the round table including king Arthur. if you close your eyes and focus you will see excalibur, excaliber morgan,  caliber, rhongomyniad, clarent, and all the other weapons. if you look at a mirror you'll see that you look like MHX, i did this because she was your favorite artoria and don't worry your still a boy so your now a trap hahaha. now you can fight against servants because i gave you A++++ for all parameter except noble phantasm because thats EX ranked. you also have a realty marble that summons a army of knights and also summons the knights of the round table. if you are near other servants they will feel a kingly aura because for your backstory i made it so you found a sword in a stone one day and pulled it out so you are now a king. you also have a magic core and for personal skills you have mana burst A++++, sword mastery EX, lance mastery EX, charisma EX, magic resistance EX, and instinct EX. You also have invisible air and Avalon which is already inside of you. For my last gift you have all the outfit and armor of artoria and her other versions . also to get the sword or lance you want just imagine it and you'll have it.

bye, god

p.s-your the descendent of Arthur

i was beyond excited because now i have two of the most overpowered weapons in fate excalibur and rhongomynaid.

time skip to the start of the fuyuki singularity

mash-sempai wake up

i was awoken by the voice of mash

i look around to see mash in her servant outfit

y/n-where are we mash

mash-we were ray-shifted to the fuyuki singularity

we were interrupted by roman filling us in on what happened and we decided to summon a new servant to help.

we were one again interrupted by skeleton that i could have easily destroyed but was interrupted again by caster cu

we made a temporary contract and we prepared to summon a new servant

i chanted and the circle shined gold untill mordred came out

mordred-servent saber mordred pendragon the heir to the throne of camelot are you my master



y/n-nope my name is y/n pendragon descendent of Arthur

mordred-you look a lot like father but i am the rightful heir

y/n-uh actually i have caliburn and i pulled it out of a stone so technically i'm the heir


descendent of pendragonWhere stories live. Discover now