chapter 5

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This chapter is for elemental steve x sabre shipers

Sabre's pov:
I woke up on the couch in a cold sweat. I shot up but when I did my body hurt all over, elemental was in the room with me. He ran over to me worried. He said "are you okay Sabre?!" I replied "Y-yeah I'm fine." He said "tell me the truth." I started to tear up because of the pain, he noticed he then said "whoa whoa it's okay come here." He pulled me into a hug yelled because of the pain, I didn't let go though. He picked me up. I held onto him. He rubbed my back. I cried onto his chest Alex, galaxy steve, time steve, and shark came in the room shark asked "and what do you think you're doing with my little brother?" Elemental looked up and said "I'm comforting him." Galaxy steve, Alex, and time steve had that look of "I ship it' i started to blush so did elemental. He put down on the couch. It hurt but not as bad as before since elemental was more careful this time. Elemental sat next to me. Shark then asked me "hey Sabre how are you feeling?" I said "not so good." They all looked a little sad. Then we heard a lot of lightning outside. Alex, galaxy steve, time steve, and shark ran out side, elemental got up then picked me up and carried me outside with the others.
To Be Continued...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


Wolfena out UwU

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