chapter 4

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Alex's POV:
I woke up and I saw a guy standing over me. I looked around and I saw Sabre laying on the ground all cut up. His mask was torn and I could see one of his eyes. His eyes closed and I then said "W.what happened to sabre?!" The guy said "he is going to be fine, I just need to heal him." Me and galaxy steve watched him put his hand over Sabre but nothing happened. The guy then said "why is it not working!?" I was confused. I then realized what he meant "you can't heal him!?" I heard galaxy say, "no I can't I guess we have to heal him normally." The guy said. "By the way my name is shark." Shark said. "Well nice to meet you." I replied. Shark got up and then picked Sabre up gently. "Come on guys." Shark said, galaxy got up then helped me up. Shark followed us to our base. We went inside, time steve was in there waiting for us "what happened to Sabre?!" Time steve said worried. Shark put Sabre down on the couch "he is going to be fine we just need some bandages." The bandages are right here." I handed him some. He took off sabre's shirt to reveal a huge cut across his torso. Shark raped the the bandages around Sabre and let Sabre sleep. He turned to us and said "so what are yalls name's?" My name is Alex." And I'm galaxy steve!" "Nice." He said. "Let's go introduce you to everyone!" Galaxy said running off, me, time steve, and shark followed shortly after.

To be continued...
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Wolfena out U^U


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