Chapter the Sixth: Others

Start from the beginning

Snape swooshed toward them. "What have you done, Weasley?!" he spat at Y/n. She backed up, terrified. He helped Malfoy up and turned to Goyle. "Get him to the hospital wing immediately." Goyle nodded and led Malfoy away. Snape rounded back on Y/n. "Attacking another student is strictly prohibited, Weasley, if you do not recall-"

"Leave her alone, it wasn't her!" Ron shouted. 

"IF you know what's good for you, Mr. Weasley, you will keep your mouth closed, do you understand?"


"Not another word!"

"Professor, it was me," Daniel interjected, placing himself between Y/n and Snape. "I hexed Malfoy." 

Snape's anger was temporarily replaced with surprise, but then his face hardened back into rage. "Fine. Twenty points from Gryffindor, fifteen from Slytherin, and you will be serving detentions with Mr. Filch for the rest of term, Mr. Johnson."

"But that's not fa-" Ron started to protest. 

"I WILL DETERMINE WHAT IS AND ISN'T FAIR, MR. WEASLEY,"  he roared. "Now, everyone, get back to your potions! NOW!"

Scared out of their wits, every student got back to making their potions as Snape dealt with the student who had been spilled on. 

Y/n followed Daniel out of the classroom after class. His posture communicated that he was still furious. They walked in silence, Y/n too scared by Daniel's behavior to begin a conversation.

Eventually, Daniel's anger faded and his shoulders relaxed. He glanced at Y/n. "Um... sorry about that," he apologized. "I probably shouldn't have gotten so angry. It's just... he thinks so highly of himself and tries so hard to cut others down... I just feel the need to cut him down, too." He sighed. "So what was this development you were talking about?"

Y/n had completely forgotten that that was the conversation they'd been having before Malfoy interrupted. "Oh, that." She paused, trying to recollect her thoughts from before so she could form a coherent story. "The note-sender. There's been a development with the note-sender."

"Did you find out who it is?"

"No. I don't think they're planning on revealing their identity anytime soon."

"Figures. So  what's the development?"

"I wrote them a note." She grinned proudly. You know, even though it wasn't her idea. It still counted.

Daniel's jaw dropped. "What happened then? Did they read it?"

"Yeah, and they responded. Here, look." She dug through her pockets for the small note they had left her in response. She pulled it out, unfolded it, then handed it to Daniel. His eyes scanned it quickly.

"I guess you're right about them not revealing themselves anytime soon," he muttered. "They barely said anything in here. Also, who steals cats from eleven-year-old kids? That is so wrong on so many levels!"

"I know!" Y/n exclaimed. "Poor Socks. I just hope he's okay."

Daniel's eyebrows knit together. "So what should we do? Should we go to Dumbledore?"

"Of course not! It's not that serious," Y/n cried out. 

"Geez, sorry! It was just a suggestion! What about..." he thought for a second. "Flitwick?"

"Why Flitwick? He's not head of either of our Houses!"

Daniel shrugged. "Then who? There is absolutely no way we are going to Snape about this."

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