Chapter twelve: day of judgement

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Shade thrashed in the grasp of the seltas soldier that restrained him. Shade looked on helplessly as Queen emerald threw the Xeno'jiiva hatchling on the ground, causing it to squeal in pain. This sent Velkhana into a frenzy. "DONT HURT HIM YOU SICK BASTARD!" Velkhana shrieked, trying to break free from her captor to protect the child. Queen emerald gave a sadistic grin to the four monsters, and turned her attention back to the wounded Xeno'jiiva hatchling. "I have had just about enough of your little games you cretinous monster." Queen emerald snarled, glaring at the child that was at her mercy. Queen emerald then used one of her legs to throw the child into a nearby rock, causing the child's vision to be blurry. The child weakly looked up at the seltas queen as Velkhana roared at Queen emerald in desperate fury. Shade glanced at Valomyr and Namielle, also seeing an anguished look on their faces, as if they believed the child was going to die. Shade looked at the child, and began to grow hot with anger. Shade let out a battle cry, and grabbed the seltas soldiers horn with his forearms, And threw him on the ground. The soldier tried in vain to recover, only to be stabbed in the face by the enraged nerscylla. Shades eyes began to glow red, as he turned to face the three remaining seltas soldiers. The soldiers immediately dropped the three elder dragons, and charged at Shade. Shade charged at his attackers and engaged them in a brutal battle. As Shade was fighting the soldiers, he looked behind him to see the three elder dragons getting up. "Nows your chance, kill that pompous bastard and save the kid!" Shade shouted. Velkhana wasted no time bolting straight towards Queen emerald, who was preparing to strike the weakened Xeno'jiiva infant. Velkhana screamed and thrusted the sharp end of her tail into the half-melted eye of Queen emerald, who had noticed Velkhana trying to attack. As the Tail of Velkhana plunged into the deformed eye of the seltas queen, green blood squirted everywhere. Queen emerald screamed in pain, and grabbed Velkhana with her tail pincer. Queen emerald threw Velkhana away, and charged after her. While the queen was distracted, Valomyr and Namielle grabbed the child and hid within the forest. Namielle peered at the injured hatchling, and winced at the wounds he had sustained. "How do you suppose we heal him?" Namielle asked. Valomyr shrugged his wings, not knowing an answer. As the two elder dragons hid in the bushes, Velkhana and Shade held off the attacking seltas soldiers, and Queen emerald. Shade was handling the battle relatively well, blocking and dodging the attacks of the seltas soldiers. Shade used his forearms as swords, swiping at the closest soldier to him. One soldier took flight, and charged at the nerscylla, only for shade to sidestep at the last second, sending to soldier flying into one of his comrades. The soldier screamed as he was unintentionally impaled by his fellow soldier, before going limp. The soldier threw his dead comrade off of his horn, and turned to face Shade. He attempted to charge at Shade again, only to suddenly fall to the ground, trapped by Shades webbing. Shade retracted his webbing, pulling the soldier closer to him. Once Shade was close enough to the soldier, he latched onto the soldiers horn, and sliced it off. Blood sprayed from the wound. Shade then stabbed the screaming seltas soldier, killing it. Shade turned to the last soldier that stood in his way. The seltas let out a battle shriek, and charged forward. Shade attempted to sidestep, only to be caught in the seltas soldiers forearms. The beetle carried Shade upward, looking to drop him from the sky. Shade was having none of this, and threw himself free from the soldiers grasp. As the two monsters fell, Shade fired his webbing at a nearby tree, causing the seltas soldier to shoot past him, and into the ground. The seltas soldier was knocked unconscious from the force of the blow. Shade grabbed the severed horn of the seltas soldier he had stabbed, and looked at Queen emerald. Queen emerald and Velkhana were engaged in a brutal brawl, with the nonfunctional eye of Queen emerald, and the gash on Velkhana's back. Shade shot forward and lept into the air. Shade landed on Queen emeralds back, causing the seltas queen to thrash around wildly. Shade screamed as he thrusted the horn into Queen emerald, putting a hole in Queen emeralds carapace. Queen emerald screamed in agony as she grabbed Shade with her tail pincer, and threw him into Velkhana. Queen emerald yanked the horn from her back, and glared at the two monsters. "This has gone on long enough. I shall crush you, and return my weapon to Alatreon. I will not let you interfere!" Queen emerald shrieked. Queen emerald let out another cry, causing the previously unconscious seltas soldier to wake up. The last seltas soldier in the battle mindlessly flew to Queen emerald, where he was promptly grabbed. After squeezing the Soldier for a while, she smashed the soldier onto her back, where the soldiers legs grasped the ridges of Queen emeralds shell. Shade and Velkhana looked on at the horrifying process. Shade knew what was going to happen. Shade stood up and looked at the seltas queen, ready to finish this fight once and for all.

Terragar flew in the grey, gloomy sky as the sensors on the sides of his head tried to pick up any traces of Velkhana. Like most gore magala, Terragar was blind. The spike-like sensory organs acted as substitute eyes, letting Terragar see the world around him, to some degree. The gore magala scanned the cloudy sky, and sensed something. Terragar turned to the source, and sensed a fast-moving creature fly past him. Terragar couldn't make out who, or what this was. Terragar followed the creature, loosening the scales that grew in his wings, preparing to infect it with the frenzy virus that he carried and controlled. Once it was infected, it would be under his control, and would help him find Velkhana, and kill her. Terragar grinned at this, and flew through the grey clouds, turning them black with the virus.

(Book 2) Legends of the new world: Silent deathUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum