Chapter eleven: uprising

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Shade felt his ruined white cloak become stained by the blood of his enemies. Shade reflected on this, and remembered that the exact same thing happened when he used to assassinate the creatures that Queen emerald didn't like. These thoughts only made Shade angrier, causing him to cut down more seltas soldiers. Meanwhile, as Shade was brawling with the seltas horde, Namielle found herself struggling to break free from the pin of a seltas. The seltas struck Namielle with his forearms, opening bloody gashes across her body. Namielle cried out in pain as the seltas continued his assault. Namielle frantically looked for any way to fight off the insect, when she spotted a rock near her. She grabbed the rock with her left front foreleg, and swung the rock at her attacker with all her might. The rock collided with the side of the seltas soldiers head, causing his skull to cave in from the impact. Green blood sprayed everywhere as the beetle collapsed to the ground, dead. Namielle got up off the ground, and charged at two other seltas soldiers, who were attacking Valomyr. Namielle tackled them, and killed them by crushing them with her claws. "Are you alright?" Valomyr asked, shaking the seltas blood from his body. "I'm fine. What we need to focus on is helping Velkhana and Shade, and protecting that kid from being used by Queen emerald and Alatreon." Namielle said. "Good point." Valomyr said. The two elder dragons then charged back into battle, with Namielle trying to assist Shade, and Valomyr trying to assist Velkhana. Shade was handling himself just fine, with Namielle's support. Velkhana however, was struggling to fend off the steaming mad Queen emerald. "Do you really thing you can defeat me?" Queen emerald said, knocking Velkhana away with one of her heavily armored legs. Velkhana slammed into a nearby tree, shattering the ice armor covering her back. "If we could defeat an earth demon, what difference would defeating you make?" Velkhana growled, righting herself. "Oh please, you only defeated Shara ishvalda because you got lucky." Queen emerald snarled, waving her tail from side to side. Velkhana growled as she slowly stepped backwards, trying to put distance between the seltas queen and herself. "Aside from that, I overheard everything you said in that cave. What on this green earth makes you think you could be a mother to this... THING you stole from me?" Queen emerald sneered. "By being a better mother towards him than you ever could." Velkhana growled. This sent Queen emerald into a frenzied rage, causing her to grab Velkhana with her tail pincer. Queen emerald threw Velkhana into another tree, causing Velkhana to bleed from an open wound. Velkhana's regenerative ability's immediately went to work on closing the wound. However, Queen emerald raised a leg above Velkhana, ready to crush her. Suddenly, Queen emerald felt two creatures grabb onto her back, and began to pull her away from Velkhana. It was Valomyr and Shade. "You know, I was wrong about you Shade!" Valomyr said, beating his wings to drag Queen emerald backwards. "I could say the same!" Shade said, retracting his webbing to pull Queen emerald backwards. "ENOUGH!" Queen emerald roared, grabbing Shade and Valomyr. Queen emerald threw the two monsters away, and looked back at Velkhana. Suddenly, Velkhana and Queen emerald heard a noise that sounded like a hiccup. Queen emerald lowered her leg, and listened for the sound. Suddenly a much larger hiccup was heard, which resulted in Queen emerald to see the hatchling Xeno'jiiva. "Oh great." Velkhana said to herself. "Well... it seems my weapon has returned to me." Queen emerald said slyly. Queen emerald leaned down in front of the child, causing the child to emit an uncomfortable chirp. "Now weapon, you shall follow my orders, or I will crush you right here." Queen emerald snarled. The child proceeded to respond by coughing up a blue fireball into Queen emeralds face. "AAARRRRGH, MY EYES!" Queen emerald screamed, thrashing around as a portion of her face began to burn away. Velkhana took this chance to charge Queen emerald, and stabbed her in one of her legs with her tail. Queen emerald fell into her back as she looked at the four monsters approaching her, eager to kill her for her crimes. Queen emerald let out a cry for help, which resulted in the last few seltas soldiers flying over to the four monsters, and grabbing them with their forearms. They restrained the monsters, ensuring no escape. Queen emerald recovered, and set her sights on the child. Shade was panicking, along with Velkhana, as the seltas queen grabbed the child with her pincers. Queen emerald turned to look at the four monsters, a wicked smile spreading across her charred and deformed face. "Well, it seems that you have failed in rescuing "the child" from me. How pathetic of you to think you could defeat me. And now, I am going to end your pathetic lives once and for all." Queen emerald spat. Shade frantically tried to think of a solution, praying for a miracle to save him from this nightmare.

Alatreon and Draugr arrived at the peak of the volcano, looking for their prize. As the two elder dragons searched, they found their prize. Standing on a ledge, was a gore magala. The gore magalas wings were perched on his back, the long webbing on his wings blowing in the ashen wind, like a cape. "I presume you have come to ask me for a favor." The gore magala said. "You have gotten wiser through the years." Alatreon said. "Well, being a harbinger of chaos can teach you a thing or two." The gore magala said. Draugr suddenly stepped forward. "Enemies.... stronger.... need.... you...." Draugr said, tar dripping from his mouth. "So you've come to ask for my service again?" The gore magala said. "Indeed. We need your service Terragar." Alatreon said. Terragar turned around, and bowed his head. "What do you request my lord." Terragar said. Alatreon grinned. "Find an elder dragon named "Velkhana", and kill her. You may kill anyone who allies with her." Alatreon said. "It will be done my lord." Terragar said. The gore magala spread his arm-like wings, and took to the sky. Alatreon turned to face Draugr. "As for you, you may go to jade colony to punish Queen emerald for her insolence." Alatreon said. "Kill... Queen...." Draugr said, storming off to enact Alatreon's punishment towards Queen emerald. Alatreon took flight, and flew back to his cave, confident that his enforcers would end this conflict. Alatreon was also tired out. Alatreon yawned as he flew to his cave, dreaming of conquering the new world.

(Book 2) Legends of the new world: Silent deathKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat