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He pulled at the rope as he tied and untied it in his hands; his skin slightly raw from its harsh threads. Closing his eyes, he leaned against the wall and tried to steady his breaths when he heard a few footsteps bound into his room.

"Finnick. It's her. She's alive." Katniss muttered from somewhere in the room.

He shook his head, "please, don't," he croaked.

"Just look," she pulled him up from his bed and dragged him into the cafeteria. She pointed to a screen in the middle of the room that had a crowd around it and there she was.

"Everly," he whispered underneath his breath and pushed his ways towards the screen. She looked the same as when he lost her. The same dead eyes stared at him unknowingly. She was incredibly thin like a corpse and there were large bags under her eyes that had been attempted to be covered with layers of makeup. Her hair had been cut to her shoulders and was tucked behind her ears. She played Witt the ends and she watched Caesar.

"And here you have her folks. Everly Blight,  alive and well," he could see her visibly gulp as she pulled her hollowed face into a fake smile when Caesar turned to her and patted her hand only to cause her to flinch slightly, "I must say you gave us quite a scare. We all heard the cannon go off. We all honestly thought we had lost you."

"So did I, to be honest. I can't thank the capitol enough for their hospitality and for obviously saving my life," she commented bitterly.

"And what of Mr Odair?" She tensed at his name, "do you approve of what he's doing?"

"I hardly think it's my place to say what I think of a grown man's actions who can make his own choices may I say," she hissed through her teeth and the corner of his lips lifted slightly.

Caesar looked to someone behind her and he nodded before turning to the screen, "well that's all we have time for today as Miss Blight is still in recovery. Hopefully she can join us again soon though."

Finnick turned away from the screen and clenched his jaw, "why the hell didn't anyone tell me she survived?" He turned to Katniss, "Did you know? Did you know she was alive?"

Katniss stood back, "of course I didn't I would've told you."

He threw one of the trays off of a nearby table, "why hasn't anyone saved her?" He yelled before running a hand through his hair and storming out of the room taking deep breaths as he charged through the halls.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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