Loaded Guns

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When Harry awoke, the sunlight was streaming through his bluish-grey curtains. His arms were entangled in a tender warmth his limbs had long since forgotten, his large fingers twisted with thinner, somehow longer fingers. He was here. He was back.

He took a deep breath, soaking him in. There was the smell of his own shampoo and conditioner in Louis' hair from his shower last night. His own headphones were no longer in his ears, coming out at some point in the night.

His half of the earbuds was tucked under his messy bedhead, no doubt leaving a mark on the cheek pressed against the sheets and Louis' phone was now completely dead. The room was absolutely tense with silence and he wasn't sure if he was the only one awake or if Louis had been up for a while, just enjoying this. Who knew how long it would last? How long before Louis had to go back on tour or start recording a new album? How long before he said goodbye and kissed his forehead and never spoke to him again?

Harry scooted a bit more backwards, hoping to burrow in the comfort of Louis' arms for as long as he would let him. Harry had spent years missing that comfort; that warmth. That soft feeling of permanence and peace. There was something else he'd been missing - and he couldn't help but giggle quietly and miserably fail at suppressing his lazy morning smile when he felt it pressing directly between his asscheeks hard and very, very familiar. He could even feel Louis' heartbeat in his morning wood and wondered if he were even awake - or just part of him was.

He was an apparent failure at hiding his chuckles, because he felt a northern smile break through onto the back of his neck.

"M'sorryyyy..." Louis sighed, burying his nose into the fabric between Harry's shoulder and placing a small, ironically innocent kiss. "I think he can sense you're nearby," he joked.

Harry laughed deeply now, covering his face before turning around. It had been too long since he'd woken up to this face. It was older now and far more fatigued - a light beard and mustache, but still the same light brown fringe handing into the perfect blue eyes. The eyes he'd grown up thinking would be the ones he'd look into forever. At least, he'd hoped.

Turning over had resulted in the solid erection leaving Harry's backside and now pressing against the top of his thigh as a slow, devious smirk crawled across his face.

"So..." God he wanted to kiss him again, but didn't want to give his smug mug the satisfaction. "Would you say he missed me?"

"Oh more than you could possibly know," Louis sighed, reaching out his hand to pull Harry close, grateful this time to be the one initiating things - and that Harry wasn't crying. It felt different - heavier and more meaningful, more anticipatory. More expectant. Their breathing was already loaded and loud, taking quick gulps of air in between frantic kisses. Louis' hand was so tight on the back of Harry's hair, his fingers happily wrapped with locks of his hair.

He reached his free hand out to pull Harry closer to him, trying not to groan too loudly or smile too wide when he felt Hazza's hand reach up and do the same, cupping his jaw and holding his head steady as they sucked and licked desperate kisses into each other's mouth. "I've wanted to pull on your hair for so long." Luckily, according to the clock behind Louis' head, they'd only slept about four and a half hours, so morning breath hadn't really had time to set in. All he could taste was a few long-forgotten pints of beer or two of beer and a mouthwash swizzled after his shower.

"Harry-" he mumbled, Harry wondering what he was going to ask for or what he was trying to say; or wondering if he were merely celebrating the fact he was there. It was HIM. Harry was the one doing these things.

The room was still eerily quiet as he rolled over even further, straddling Louis and exposing the fact that he, too, was exceptionally hard. His pyjama bottoms did little to mask the situation which was caused directly by Louis and had nothing to do with the time of day. He leaned down, still kissing and gently biting his lips as Lou pulled his hair not so gently and pushed his hands down his back, gripping tightly onto the two separate cheeks of his arse.

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