Part 3: It Wasn't Supposed to Be Like This

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A/N: THANKS FOR READING THIS FAR. this one's a little longer just for yall


On the morning of the Slytherin-Gryffindor brawl, y/n had half a mind to hex her History of Magic teacher and bail out of class. 

It was torture. Pure torture. Listening to a teacher drone on and on about things that had no relevance to today, no relevance to all the teenage brains with short attention spans in the classroom. The professor had a drawling, monotonous voice that sounded like the equivalent of a nice blow to the head with possible bleeding from the ear. To some extent, y/n preferred that over writing notes on the Elven Revolution. 

Head in her hands, y/n's eyes glazed over as she focused on a spot next to the professor's head and let her mind wander. But even her stream of consciousness was boring. She looked around for her friends and found Sirius snoring loudly, Remus barely hanging on, James making parchment airplanes, and Peter writing fervently (he was always a good student despite hanging around the Marauders). She caught Remus's gaze and he made a finger gun and put it to his head. 

Y/n understood. 

"Sir?" she asked, raising her hand. 

The professor looked up from his bifocals perched on the end of his nose and regarded her with an irritated expression. "Yes, Ms. y/l/n. What is it?"

"May I go to the bathroom?"

The professor acted like this was such an extensive demand, but y/n held his gaze until he reluctantly let her leave the classroom. 

No, she didn't actually have to go to the bathroom. It was common knowledge among the upperclassmen that you used the bathroom as an excuse to get out of class and wander the halls instead of doing work. She wished one of her friends would be able to come with her, but that might have looked suspicious to the teacher. 

Y/n wandered down the halls, making sure to duck under the windows of the classroom doors so that none of the professors could see her out of class. She made her way to the bathrooms, thinking it would be a good place to practice some spells she learned in one of the books from the forbidden section of the library. She and the Marauders went there when Madame Pince wasn't looking and learned a couple of hexes and charms to show off to the other students.

Mind occupied with the potentially dangerous and exciting new charms she was going to practice, y/n didn't notice a figure walking straight toward her as she turned around the corner of the hallway.

She and the figure collided, and y/n's wand went askew with a clamorous echo. 

"Sorry!" she said quickly. 

Looking up at the face of the figure, y/n started to believe that her life was a fucking fairytale.

"We've got to stop running into each other like this, darling," said Regulus Black, eyes twinkling. The corner of his mouth was drawn up in a smirk.

"Oh. Regulus." Y/n wasn't quite sure what she was feeling, but she could feel her palms already getting sweaty.

Regulus snorted. "Well, don't act so happy to see me."

"No, it's not that! I --" 

Those blue-gray eyes sure were captivating, weren't they? Y/n couldn't finish her statement.

Regulus was having a tremendous time. "Tell you what, love." Regulus leaned against the wall. "Since I was so careless just now, let me make it up to you."

Y/n crossed her arms. "How?"

He smiled. "Would you be willing to go on a date with me?"

The question took y/n by surprise. He was so confident, so straightforward, it seemed almost too good to be true. 

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