Part 1: His Weakness

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A/N: hiii everyone. welcome to the first chapter of Best Friend's Brother. i hope you like it :)


Gryffindors knew how to party.

That was one thing no Slytherin or Ravenclaw could outrank them in. See, Gryffindors have a sense of adventure, no matter how introverted they may be. They know how to have fun and they know how to turn the atmosphere of a room from boring to exciting. 

That was certainly what had happened here. 

Y/n had never seen her fellow Gryffindors so animated before. It was the day after their last exams so that probably had a lot to do with it, but the electricity in the room ran rampant. Students threw their hats into the air, screamed, shouted, and laughed. A large group in the corner were playing spin the bottle and cheered as Katie McClelland leaned over to kiss her crush, Marcy, on the lips. Y/n smiled to herself.

The amount of teenage energy in the room was wild. A tune suddenly started from someone's music player, and immediately everyone gathered in the center of the room and started dancing and singing. Ravenclaws mixed with Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors mixed with Slytherins. Tonight there were no barriers between houses, no rivalries to keep them apart. Tonight was all about letting go and being free. Being young and wild and stupid.

Y/n felt like she was walking on air. A goblet of pumpkin juice was gripped in one hand and Sirius Black, her best friend, held the other and used it to twirl himself like a ballerina. 

"Come on, darling, spin me," slurred Sirius. His own pumpkin juice was clearly spiked, judging by his lack of balance. He suddenly got very dizzy and stumbled, a huge grin on his face. 

Y/n laughed. "You certainly are the prettiest girl at the party, Sirius. Soon all the boys will be lined up to dance with you."

This brought a nice blush to his face, and he got close to y/n. His pupils were large. "Promise?"

Y/n just chuckled and pushed him away. It was no secret that Sirius liked boys as much as he liked girls, and that was quite a bit. Sirius swung all sorts of ways, including straight to the floor. He stumbled drunkenly over his own two feet and hit the ground with a thud. Students around him laughed, and Remus extended his hand to help Sirius up. 

"Such a gentleman, Moony," cooed Sirius, snuggling into his friend's chest. 

Remus blushed violently and pushed him off, not before scolding him for drinking irresponsibly and acting like a fool. 

James was dancing with Lily over in the corner, oblivious to everything but the beautiful girl before him. Lily amused him by taking his glasses off and putting them on her own face, saying, "Merlin, James, you're blind as hell!"

It was amazing to see all her friends enjoying themselves (though perhaps not Remus, who was currently trying to talk Sirius out of sleeping with him), but y/n couldn't help feeling a little lonely. She considered going up to Thomas L'Suer, a seventh-year whom she'd liked a couple of months ago. But she found him a little, ah, preoccupied with a Hufflepuff girl in the corner. 

And Lucian Malfoy? He was cute, y/n thought, in a steely sort of way. But he looked very unapproachable, huddled in the corner with his tight-knit group of Slytherin friends. They all glared as Gryffindors passed by. Obviously, they never got the memo about this being a party.

That was pretty much her last option. But that's okay, she told herself reassuringly. There's no rush to find someone special to spend my last year-and-a-half at Hogwarts with. 

She just focused on the music, on her pumpkin juice, and on the energy coursing through her body. She danced with Peter, who was all alone as well, but soon he was needed to help Remus get away from a rather horny Sirius. Although from the looks of it, Remus was reluctant to do so.

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