The Angel of Destruction

Start from the beginning

"Ah ha, very interesting," said the man. He pulled out a notebook and quill and started to scribble down some observations. "While your level of magical power has seen an increase, it appears that your Full Counter ability has been lost for some reason. A result of losing your faculties? Or could this be a different personality? This warrants further study. How truly fascinating."

The man stood there taking his notes, y/n got to her feet. She raised both her arms and the black markings swirled and shifted and grew, covering her arms and turning them into giant pointed claws.

The man looked at them and nodded appreciatively, still scribbling furiously in his book.

They were still fighting, y/n and the man. Y/n had her giant claw hands and the man dodged every blow. Until the man was crushed. Or so y/n thought.

"My my, truly magnificent," said the man, pushing back the giant dark hand with one of his own. "Still, it's beyond you to win against my Link skills. Your friend Ban does something similar but ability makes his look like a poor imitation. His Snatch skill crudely steals magical power from others without consent, whereas my Link affords me the capability to borrow it from those who have given me their permission to do so. No matter how powerful your magic may be-" with a great heave, the man pushed y/n's claw to the side and thrust his sword into y/n's body, drawing blood from y/n's left shoulder. Y/n fell back and the man pressed his advantage "-this is the result!"

Y/n hit the ground and immediately sprang back to the man, evading the man's sword strike and retaliating with one of hee own. Her blow hit the man directly in the jaw. The man stumbled back, not recovering in time to block y/n's next attack, a vicious swipe that knocked the man back.

The man skidded to a stop and looked up. Y/n was hovering above him, Before the man's eyes, the markings on y/n's skin grew larger.

"Your magical power is increasing," said the man. "That means you haven't completed your transformation yet, doesn't it?" An involuntary shudder ran through the man as he felt some of Hendrickson's power added to his own. A harsh grin spread across his face.

Y/n dropped from the sky to attack and the man drew back his sword and caught y/n in the abdomen.

Y/n was thrown back into the side of the mountain the man felt a vindictive burst of pleasure.

Something fell out of the sky and landed with a metallic clank behind the man. It was y/n's sword.

"I was actually getting concerned for a moment there," the man said, straightening up. He looked at where y/n had ended up, in a crater on the mountain side, no longer covered in the black markings.

"Still, to stop that berserk state in one blow...Grand Master Hendrickson is a frightening fellow indeed." He picked up y/n's sword. "And, with that, the Seven Deadly Sins are successfully vanquished. All that remains now is to return with the sword, y/n and the prince. Then our mission will be complete."

Hawk spoke "damn seems im the only one left" that's when they heard they're gonna take y/n away as hawk spoke "if we don't do something he's really gonna..." meliodas looked at y/n in worried "y/-" but he was cut off by ban who whispered to them "quiet you two can still run right?" He carried King over his arm as he was unconscious "this is really messed up" hawk and meliodas was confused

Meliodas spoke "sir Ban we can't leave y/n!" Ban only scoffed and grabbed meliodas holding him in his other arm as he began to sprint off with hawk following behind "but sir ban y/n!" He said deep worried for the h/c female as ban spoke "don't worry she'll be fine trust me" hawk kept following ban "I've never seen ban this freaked out before! Does that mean that Holy knight is really that dangerous"

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