Chapter One - Life in 2115

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I hope you like this, it's not very good but I tried my best. I had to re-write a lot of this as when I was saving it (on the Wattpad app), something went wrong and I lost almost all of what I had written. Please comment if you like it or if you think there's anything I could do to make it better. I'll try to write chapter two soon but I'm a pretty slow writer and I'm always going back to add in extra things :P Here goes:


"K112, it is 0600 hours which is your requested waking time for this day March 2nd 2115" My ELD (electronic life device) buzzes on my wrist sending minor electric shocks that jerk me awake. My eyes barely open before I slam my palm into its interface and the wake up call stops. "Good morning K112" my ELD greets me with a more cheerful, human-like voice. "I'm terribly sorry for my method of choosing to awaken you today but it's a very important day and you can't afford to be late" he says. It's true, I mustn't be late for today. Today is the day I have been waiting for for years, it's the day when I finally get my ELD upgraded to a fully automated adult version with all the features you could imagine. I'm also time travelling for the first time ever today on a class trip, we are studying the causes of the fourth world war and we're actually going to get to witness the 65th American President get assassinated. How exciting. That's one of the new features I get once I've upgraded my ELD- time travel- it's one of the more exciting ones along with teleportation and telekinesis. Of course there are very strict rules on the use of these but at least I have them.

"Morning to you to Siri and I'm telling you for the five hundredth time- I demand you call me Kindra, just Kindra. K112 makes me sound like a robot and reminds me how horribly low my ranking is" I try to make my voice seem angry as I say this as usual but I'm just kidding myself.

"I am required to call you by your official governmental name according to Line 55, Section 9, Part 2 of the official Artificial Intelligence's Code of Conduct; made law on December 26th 2087 and any non-compliance with the statement is punishable by dismantlement" he says for the millionth time. "You don't have to worry about that, you're human, humans can't be dismantled" he says with a little sass, I swear that my ELD is the only one out there with some serious attitude problems but I guess that's what makes him so much more real than the others; he's like a human I can talk to.

"Yeah yeah..." I mumble. Rules, rules and more rules. Sometimes I just feel so confined to these restrictions that the government have set, I want to just rebel but I can't, not if I want to end up 6-feet underground or in some Government Institution. We are free but sometimes, I feel like what we have is just not enough. No privacy, no freedom of speech, no anything. I love reading about some of the ancient societies, especially the one of the early 21st Century. People seem much more liberated and loved back then, yes there were some exceptions to this but it was so different. Sometimes I wish I was born a century earlier, I doubt I'm the only one.

"Pod open" I command and the shallow roof above me splits into two and slides down. I get out and the pod closes again before disappearing into the wall for storage- in this time of overpopulation, space cannot be wasted. The hall is silent as I walk through, my footsteps echoing on the pristine white walls that rise into the ceiling 30 feet above. Everyone else has not awaken yet because the normal waking hour is 0700 and unfortunately I do not reside with any of my classmates.

We all wear a standard uniform during sleeping hours, it is a time for rest and not self expression, that is saved for later. Women are required to wear long white shirts that stop just below our hips and tight white ankle length leggings; new clothes are issued to us at the beginning of each year. As for men, I don't know, we are forbidden to see the opposite sex during sleeping hours (at least until we leave the hall and are given our own private home) and I've never inquired about what attire they wear as it has never been a subject of interest or importance to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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