"You... you're young and strong for your age."
Henry blurts out between his raged breaths.
"You're not as bad as I thought either."
I send him a smile and he returns it. Although it seemed impossible for us to get along at first, we managed to build a bond which is kind of strange just as I did with F4. These kids are not bad. Actually, it was fun to play with them.
"What are you doing?"
From above my head, a girl asks me. She is one of the children who I saw surrounding Zendaya when I entered this room earlier. Both of her sides are a boy and another girl. Their curious eyes studies my expression.
"I... I was battling with these boys."
I answer.
"Yeah, she's too strong and we couldn't beat her though we were 4 and she was alone. She's strong like an immortal beast!"
Gabriel, the boy who looks like Gavin whines.
"Yes! Why don't you help us get her down?"
The boys ask the other party of kids and they nod their head yes.
They rush to the box that contains fake swords and shields made of styrene foam, running back to me with grins shortly after. Shit! Another attack is coming!! They hit me with their fake weapons and I start tickling them, acting like I'm a monster. Their laughter fills the air and smiles are automatically plastered on our faces. I can see they are having fun as well as myself.
Then, the amount of swords stabbing me with giggles increases and I figure out another couple of children have joined. Not long after that, more kids come to me and I'm surrounded by most of the children in this room when I notice.
"Ok ok! I'll surrender!! Gosh, you guys are strong!"
Eventually, I declare my losing.
"I want to play with you more!!"
"Yes!! Me too. Me too!!"
They respectively say as they cling to my arms and legs. Some are even holding to my waist. Oh god! Help me!!!



"It looks more fun over there!"
The kids trot down to Langford, leaving a few by Zendaya's side on the stage screen that's showing what is going on in the other room. As I expected, my girl won those mini-humans' hearts with ease. Now she's hugged by those dirty small hands and begged to play with them more.
"Alright, guys! I will, I will!"
She cries with a chuckle before turning to Zendaya.
"Umm. Hey, miss Coleman. Will you please help me play with these little energetic monsters? I'm beyond tired and not sure whether I can survive if I do it on my own."
Despite everyone's prediction, she asks her opponent for a help.
"What?! What the fuck is she doing??"
Shane's frantic whisper hears in front of me.
"Yeah! Why the fuck is she cooperating with her enemy?! That does nothing but bad for herself. She's fucking insane!"
Gavin doesn't even suppress his pathetic cry. He does has a point but I don't blame her or am not pissed at her. In fact, I'm even proud of her and have fallen deeper for her since that's is the fucking crazy girl I fell in love with. The girl that can never abandon someone or kick someone out of the games even if that someone is her own enemy. That is who Josephine Langford is and I can never help loving her more than anyone or anything that exists in this world.
"Yeah, she is."
I mumble, a smile dominating the corners of my mouth.


The timer goes off in about 10 minutes and they come back to the stage. A creepy man walks up to there, too, and he begins speaking. He must be the host.
"The time's up and it's finally the moment where the queen of the contest will be decided! Will the crown choose miss Zendaya Coleman, or miss Josephine Langford?"
Needless to say, the atmosphere becomes tense. I unconsciously fist my hands in nervousness.
"We would like to invite our last judges to the stage once again."
With that, the children reappear on the stage. That they liked Langford is understatement therefore I'm certain they will choose her.
"So, children. Who do you think was more fun to play with? Run to the one you choose on the count of three. Ok?"
The creeper asks them, to which they nod their head.
So this is it. In three seconds, our destiny will be determined whether I liked it or not.
"Three. Two. One."
Nervously, I gulp. The host gives the kids cue but they refuse to move toward either direction and just stay where they are. What the fuck is going on? The audience are whispering here and there.
"Why are you guys still not moving?"
Concealing his frustration, the MC says to the little humans.
"We can't."
One of them speaks up, making me snap my head to him. He has dark brown hair and wearing an arrogant aura. Fuck he reminds me of myself.
"What do you mean you can't?"
"We can't choose one because they were both fun to play with!"
The rest of them agree with the kid.
"Ha... hahaha. What are we doing to do, judges?"
The host turns to the judges with a fake smile. Then, they talk in low voice for a while and stops. A middle-aged milf who appears to be in charge stands up.
"We had a talk and decided we will choose the winner based on their scores."
Shit. That is not good because Zendaya must have got good scores in all stages. Everybody who knows both Zendaya and Langford will say there is no chance for Langford to win. Nevertheless, I believe in the slightest chance since she's my Langford in the end. And my Langford makes impossible things possible. I believe in her.
"And the winner is..."
The milf carries on and a drumroll sounds from somewhere. She breathes in and so do I.

"Miss... Zendaya Coleman!!"
The moment I hear her opponent's name called, I feel my whole world collapse to the ground.

🌻A. N. 🌻

Thank you for reading!!
I'm sorry this chapter ends in cliffhanger and Jo lost in the TOW contest but this is the same as the original story😅 Don't hate me for it🙏 Anyway, what do you think will happen next? Do you think Hero will actually leave for London or stay in LA? When do you think Jo will find out that he has to go back to London because she lost in the contest?🤔 Comment and let me know your theories😁
Stay tuned📺

Kaia Gomez🦋

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