"It's you, Miyuki-sama." The family all thought as she then took a seat.

No one answered the Ice Pillar except for Chiyo-baa who had now opened the lids which revealed their feast, telling them to eat.

Thankfully, the Ice Pillar was never really fond of prying with matters that people don't want to tell her. It didn't bother her at all.

The smell of good food was circulating around the estate that night. A small feast was held for the arrival of Miyuki, and at the same time, it was an intimate meal --- a reunion together with her family.

A meal in the presence of your family was more than enough for the Ice Pillar to enjoy for her homecoming.

"Hm? A joint mission with Shinazugawa, huh? He did mention that he was with you..." The Flame Pillar said as they both took a night stroll at the bamboo groves near Miyuki's estate after dinner.

"Yeah, it went as a three-day mission because we needed to have him healed. Senpai wasn't so stubborn knowing that he injured himself."

"Three days? I see. You're so thoughtful of taking care of him...I'm glad you two are safe."

The Flame Pillar was walking ahead, mind filled with thoughts from what the Lady Head just asked earlier.

Certainly, they are already both of age, 18 and 20; an ideal stage for lovers to be engaged without a doubt.

But then Rengoku Kyojurou thought, were they even lovers, to begin with? Of all times, he found it ironic that he's not sure about it.

"Kyoujuro...slow down. You're walking too fast." Miyuki spoke softly but, nevertheless, he heard her voice crystal clear which made him turn back.

Miyuki was looking at her with eyes hinting of worry and sadness. She wanted them to take their time in walking together, but as the Flame Pillar's mind was preoccupied with something, it somehow gave them a distance despite them being alone together.

She didn't like it.

"Let's go back..." Miyuki smiled gently and turned her heel. It made the Flame Pillar worry even more; he felt awful.

He was getting ahead of himself again, already thinking about engagement when he can't even spend their precious time together properly right now.

What am I thinking? There's no need to rush...


"Hm? What- Aahh! Kyou! What are you doing?!" Miyuki was startled as she looked back from his call, Rengoku was already behind her and immediately picked her up from her legs and carried her in his arm.

"I'm sorry for spacing out. Anyway, it's better if we go back. You must rest, Yuki...I'll take you to your room." He smiled positively and walked.

"I can walk..."

"Yes, you can!"

"I mean, you can put me down, Kyou. I'm heavy."

"Hm! You're not heavy, Yuki. On the contrary, you've lost weight; therefore, you must rest!"

Miyuki stared at him as he looked straightforward to their tracks.

In the cold night where the sound of bamboos swaying in the background, with the presence of Rengoku Kyoujuro in front of her, everything seemed to be bright.

Bright...and warm.

Miyuki was never fond of anything warm or hot. But then again, there are always exceptions; and the Flame Pillar was the only one on it.

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