Start from the beginning

"His old stomping ground."

"I'm coming with you."

"No. You stay here here and whip up an actual plan. I'll come back when you find him. Babe, can you stay here and watch her?"

Nadilya numbly nodded and soon enough, Damon was gone and awkward silence rose between the two girls.

"So, you and Damon?"

Nadilya looked towards Elena and she wasn't  sure if she should tell the girl, but, against her better judgment, she did anyway.

"Yeah, it started out of need, but now, it's out of want. I want to be with Damon and thankfully, he wants to be with me."

Elena nodded and then started to read Stefan's diary. The two girls were twiddling their thumbs for quite a while when Nadilya heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Quickly, she grabbed Elena, threw themselves in the pantry and cloaked herself so her presence wouldn't be noticeable. They then heard the door crash down and held their breaths. 

"Do you feel that? Is anybody here?"

"It's been vacant for decades. People might break in all the time. Why'd you bring me back here?"

"Your friend, Liam Grant, the one who drank his wife's blood-- I never could figure out why you wanted his name. And then you told me your little secret; it was all part of your special little ritual."

"To write it down."

"And relive the kill..over and over again."

The door then swung open and the girls held their breaths. Nadilya could feel her heart rate rising; she hadn't expected to see Klaus this soon.

"You believe me now?"

Stefan walks in and for a moment, the air stood still. Then, Stefan turned and looked at the girls. There was a pregnant pause where the girls stopped breathing. Then, Stefan slightly looked towards the opening.

"Look what I found."

Elena looked towards the vampire betrayed and Nadilya's eyes glowed and her magic seemed to be bursting at her fingertips. Then, Stefan grabbed a bottle of alcohol and walked out.


"Single malt."

"My favorite."


"Let's go and find someone to pair it with."

Stefan closes the door and the duo left.

Nadilya and Elena stood for a moment before making any movement, speechless.

After a while of waiting, Damon walked into the apartment with a bag.

"Finally! We called you an hour ago."

"Make yourself presentable." 

He then threw the bag at Elena and sat down on the couch, pulling Nadilya onto his lap.

"I know where Stefan is going to be tonight."

"I told you that we were practically discovered by Klaus and you're worried about what I'm wearing?"

"I had an hour to realize what a bad idea it was to leave you here, process it and move on. Plus, you had Nadilya here; Klaus and Stefan couldn't do much against a Goddess."

Nadilya pecked Damon's cheek and Damon gave her a light smile before turning back to Elena.

"Are you ok?"


"Ok, good. Get dressed. You're all road-trippy and gross."

Nadilya lightly hit Damon's arm with a scoff. Sometimes, he should just keep his mouth shut.

"So, you know where he's going to be?"

"Yes, with Klaus. So, Nadilya and I are going to distract Klaus and you'll deal with Stefan."

"Ok, thank you."

Damon made a face at Elena's comment before taking Nadilya off his lap and moving towards Elena.

"But, you're going to have about 5 minutes top before that hybrid freak rips my heart out. So, please, tell me you can do this."

"I can do this."

"I see they've opened the doors to the riff-raff now."

"Oh honey, I've been called worse."

"You don't give up, do you?"

"Give me my brother back, and you'll never have to see me again."

"Well,  I am turned. You see, I promised Stefan I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did I sign up for? And clearly you want to die, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so..."

"What can I say? I'm a thrill seeker."

Klaus turns and thrusts his hand towards Damon's neck, choking him. He then raises Damon off the floor and a crack could b heard.

"Oh dear, what was that? I'm a little boozey, so you'll forgive if you I miss you heart the first few times."

With the little wooden umbrella, Klaus stabbed Damon in the abdomen. 

"No, that's not it."

He then stabs Damon once again.

"Ohh, almost."

"You want a partner in crime? Forget Stefan. I'm so much more fun."

Klaus then throws Damon across the bar and then walks over to him, but breaks off a chair leg to act as a makeshift stake.

"You won't be any funny after you're dead."

Klaus raises the stake above his head and as he makes the motion to kill him, the stake lights on fire. He turns behind him to see Gloria but she was was white as sheet and facing towards the bar's front door. Klaus turned the front and froze; standing there in her signature aura of magic, was the love of his life.

"Hello there Niklaus.


"I need you to step away from Damon."

Klaus kept his eyes on Nadilya the entire time before stepping off of Damon, his eyes still on her. Damon got up and stood next to Nadilya, ready to run out.

"Nadilya, there's so much to talk--"

"Well, it's a good thing I don't want to.  We're going to leave, and by the Gods don't follow us."

With that, Nadilya transported herself, Damon and Elena to Mystic Falls.

A/N: hey guys! i'm so sorry for my leave again. i got really busy with school and college. hopefully, i can go back to posting regularly. thank you for supporting by reading, voting and adding to libraries!

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