Chapter 10- A Brief Interlude on Why One Should NOT Trust Boys

Start from the beginning

So here she sat, dissecting through seemingly insignificant moments they'd shared, unable to concentrate on much else other than what it would feel like to call him hers.

"When you look at all these at once, wizards really don't come off too hot," Alicia said, straightening in her chair.


"The goblin revolts," she said simply. "It's unfortunate that wizards have created the conditions in which goblins are forced to revolt against the upholding's of a magical society that treats them as subservient. They've been stereotyped as gold mongering, when in reality it's just a difference in perception of the terms of possession. Possession is a societal based concept, neither wizards nor goblins are correct or incorrect in the way that they understand the ownership of material goods. Yet, we demonize them for an ideology in which they believe the maker of an object to be the sole proprietor rather than the buyer."

"You're right," Eleanor responded slowly, trying to process all the information Alicia had thrown at her, "wizard's have always been arrogant."

"It's more than just that, Eleanor. It's systematic prejudice that not even these revolts have been able to undo. Instead, they teach young witches and wizards about unsuccessful riots to push the message that wizards are the most superior beings and anyone who tries to usurp our societal norms will lose." Alicia shook her head, finalizing her notes on the subject.

"You will make a wonderful Minister of Magic," Eleanor said.

"It will take more than just policy change, it will take the dying out of an age-old ideology," Alicia said with a sigh, yet she smiled slightly at Eleanor's compliment, "but I assume that means I have your vote."

"I can think of no one better to attack age-old ideologies," Eleanor responded with a smile.

"As long as I pass all my OWLS," she bit her lip, "you probably don't even need to study."

"I'll do well on the practicals, but I'm worried about the written portion. I have trouble remembering all the details."

"If you actually studied, I think you would be fine."

"I do study!" Eleanor responded indignantly.

"You read textbooks you're interested in and completely ignore the rest," Alicia pointed out.

"Even the ones I do read I have trouble remembering, you're wonderful at analyzing and memorizing the precise wand work-"

"You're good where it actually counts – the spell itself," Alicia said with a hint of finality in her voice. "What career are you considering after Hogwarts?"

"Er, I don't know," Eleanor answered truthfully.

"You would make an impressive Auror. I also hear the Department of Mysteries look for capable recruits... maybe you could investigate that."

"Yeah, those are both reasonable," Eleanor said uncomfortably.

Truth be told, she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life. She was always expecting Voldemort to crop back up and kill her before she had time to graduate. She certainly hadn't expected to live this long.

"What do you think Fred and George will do?" Alicia asked.

"Nothing to do with the Ministry," Eleanor responded, but the mention of Fred put her back into a tailspin.

She could try to tell him how she felt, but the idea caused bile to burn in the back of her throat. She began idly playing with her quill again, her heart racing as her mind presented more intoxicating thoughts. She would feel out the situation, present it slowly. The step from the relationship they currently held to the one she wanted wasn't much of a leap.

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