Khloe: yeah it is you

Ishiah:woah you are really good at drawing people

Khloe:thank you

Ishiah:what else can you do

Khloe:I can dance

Ishiah:you want to dance with me

Khloe:yeah but with what music

Then he grabbed is phone and shows we the music that we are going to dance to

Then song and dance

(The third one and it two people)

Then we see people clapping

Ishiah:your are really good

Khloe:you are to

Then the director come out

Director: okay everyone when call your name please step forward that means you made it, Ishiah,Akira, Lotus, yaya, khloe,nathan, Lyon, dylan,hala,and vivien you guys made and you guys have to be back is 5 hours so we can start to go to the hotel,and congratulations everyone

Then everyone claps and the director leaves and everyone starts to call there parents

Ishiah:you made it

Khloe:I know I'm so proud of myself

Ishiah:I know we just met but I'm proud of you to

Khloe:I proud of you too

Then I get a text and I from my mom and she said she was here

Khloe: sorry but I have to go my mom is her

Ishiah:it okay because my mom is her to so see you later

Then I grabbed my things and go to my mom's car

(15 minutes later)
One we get home I tell my mom the I go the role and now I have to pack

(2 hour later)

I get done pack and my my takes me back to where I did my audition and everyone was there and we go on the bus and Ishiah sits by me


Khloe:hey what up

Ishiah: nothing much,what you drawing khloe

Khloe:anime character

Ishiah:cool i love anime,can you show me when you get done


Then I put my air pods in and I put on my favorite song "who's been loving you"

lshiah x KholeWhere stories live. Discover now