Everything is embarrassing

Start from the beginning

Although her little bubble where everything was perfect was completely broken when the phone of the blue-eyed woman began to ring.

"I need to go," murmured Katya, embarrassed, trying in vain to prevent the heart of the little blonde from breaking as it always did.

"Oh," exclaimed the girl, "I thought you'd stay a little longer. It's our anniversary, and I thought we could see that movie you were invited to the premiere last month."

"I also thought that princess, but they need me at home and..."

There was no need to keep talking because that only made things worse, and Katya noticed that as the words kept coming out of her mouth.

"You're right; I need to come back to my corner anyway. Willam is probably there taking my stupid money and charging double; my customers will not come back," the girl explained while she started dressing as fast as she could, trying to hide her pain and avoid seeing Katya's face. "She always does the same thing; I'm sick of her stealing from my clients."


"You too should begin to dress; we're wasting time," mumbled the blonde before getting up violently and seeing her pathetic reflex in the bathroom, "Do you have some lipstick I can borrow? No one likes a hooker with bare lips."

Katya looked at her with some pity before she began to dress, listening to her lips saying incoherences because that was her way of avoiding crying.

"Ready?" Trixie asked with a fake smile, but it was quickly erased, "Oh, you don't have to take me if you want, I can walk; I guess you must be really late. Well, anyway, thank you so much, you don't have to pay me. The 100th blowjob goes around the house, I hope you enjoyed it, and if you don't, you can leave suggestions; I love learning what my customers like all the time."

Katya sighed tiredly before approaching, take her by the waist and kiss her tightly to make her calm down. Something that Trixie was somewhat reluctant to do at first, but slowly she let herself go as her tears came, making her ruin her make-up completely.

"I'll leave her, Trixie. I promise you; I'll get a divorce."

"You told me the same thing the last time and the previous time and once before that," answered the girl while crying even louder "I don't know how much longer I will be able to stand it, Katya. I love you, but I can't go on like this; I need someone who also loves me and doesn't just see me on her nights off to have sex. I'm also worth it."

"Of course you are worth it, princess. You are worth everything good in this world," Katya answered with guilt, "Listen well; I'm going to divorce, and then you and I will get married. I'll take you out of that horrible apartment in which you live, and you will never lack anything again. I'm going to dress you in the most beautiful dresses you can imagine, feed you with the most delicious dishes you've ever tried and then travel around the world as you've always wanted. And you know what the best part is? That we'll do it together. Just you and me."

Trixie looked at her in amazement, as if she could not fully process what had just happened, and her heart was a witness to it because it was pounding.

"You want me to be your wife?" She asked innocently as if everything else that Katya promised was worthless.

"It would be an honor."

"With the white dress and all?"

"There's no princess who has married without a white dress, right?"

Trixie denied with a smile before falling back into her charms and kissing her again and again regardless that they were again interrupted by the older woman's phone. She didn't care. Now she was sure that woman would be forgotten soon because she would be the new Ms. Zamolodchikova and could kiss Katya all day long, as many times as she wanted, and could even do it in public.

One shots.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now