Chapter Three

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Y/N's Point of View

It's been a few weeks since Sasaki and I have gone to get groceries together, I wonder if he was busy... not like I cared or anything. Just when I'm thinking about him, I receive a text message from the one and only, Sasaki. Reading the message, I can't help but feel all nervous and giddy. I respond to his message before going to get my shoes on. 

Toshinori hasn't been around often, he's been too busy teaching, or he's been too busy trying to teach his successor, Midoriya. I barely even see him for dinner now, nor have I been able to tell him anything. He's always too tired now, my poor brother. 

While I think, I grab my purse too and lock the door behind me before going on my walk to meet Sasaki at our spot. It's about noon, the streets of Japan are busy from people going on breaks from work, or school kids going to play or eat their lunch. As I get near our spot, I spot Sasaki standing there waiting for me. He always looked so serious. 

"Why hello there, Mr. Serious!" I smile at him. Sasaki just rolls his eyes at me with a small grin directing to me. He starts walking to the direction of the grocery store, I follow behind him. The walks were less awkward now, small conversations here and there would start, but it was nothing too big. Sometimes, it would just be asking each other how we were doing. 

With the silence that was building up, I clear my throat, "So... how are you?" I ask Sasaki. He look at me then back to what's in front of him, it's clear that he's thinking of how to respond. 

"I'm fine... just been a little busy. How are you, Y/N?" He asks me, making eye contact with me. I was right about Sasaki being busy... but why did he say it like that? It makes me wonder if it has something to do with hero work. 

I respond to him, "I'm decent, I've been bored. Toshinori is too busy to spend time with me and obviously you have been too. So... I've just kind of been at home." He nods, understanding what I was saying. The rest of the walk to the grocery store was silent after that, it was definitely awkward. It hadn't taken long before we were at the store. 

Sasaki and I agreed to split up and meet back at the cashier, apparently, he needed to grab a few things as well. I walk down the aisles to see what I need and what I don't need. The store has done a few rearrangements since I was last here... I think to myself. Just when I find what I need, of course it needed to be at the top shelf. Not that I was short or anything, it was just too tall for me. 

Not wanting to ask for help, I try to use my tip toes to reach, but it was no avail. I try a few more times in hopes of reaching it. Apparently, I was there for a while and a man grabbed the item for me. I turn to thank him, my eyes finding his. Why such beautiful golden eyes... I think. The rest of his appearance wasn't bad looking either. The man wore a mask and a dress shirt with slacks. 

As I was about to say thank you, a pair of arms wrap around my waist, interrupting me, "Thank you, but if she needed help, she would've asked me." It was Sasaki, I could recognize his voice from anywhere now. The random man nods his head slowly before giving the item. He walks away from us but keeps eye contact with Sasaki. The tension was thick in the air, it was unbreathable. 

It wasn't just that, but it was the fact that Sasaki had his arms around my waist, that didn't last long though. He clears his throat, "I'm sorry about that... it was. Suspicious." He explains himself, not making eye contact with me. His cheeks, a soft pink, before going away after a few seconds. 

"Why was helping me suspicious?" I ask him. He makes eye contact with me but doesn't say anything. Instead, he just walks the other way and makes his way to the cashier. I follow after him, I wanted answers. 

I utter, "Hey, answer me! I'm curious now." Sasaki places his groceries on the conveyor and helps with mine as well. Paying for all of it, I hated when he did that. I still haven't paid him back for all the times he's paid me and that one time he got my purse back. 

"I'll tell you later, it's not a good place right now." He mumbles to me, quiet enough for only me to hear. I nod my head hesitantly, that made me nervous. Sasaki knew something that I did not. Sasaki took all of our bags and even held the door open for me when we walked out of the store, it made my heart flutter.

The walk back to Toshinori and my house was silent, it was unbearable, but I managed. It wasn't long before we made it back, I unlock the house. "You can come in, Toshinori won't be home for a while." I explain to Sasaki. He nods and hesitantly steps inside, groceries still in hand. The groceries get placed on the counter, as I make myself back at home, sitting on the dining table. 

I cross my arms and wait for Sasaki to sit down with me. He sits down slowly, before sighing. He had no choice but to tell me now.

"Look... I can't explain much, but that guy is bad news. Just stay away from him." Sasaki sighs. It made sense now, why he had acted so protective. Whatever Sasaki knew, he knew that the man was up to no good. Hell, it could even be a criminal, and that was most likely the case. 

I nod, I understood the situation now and didn't question him further. Sasaki clears his throat again, "There's also something that I've been thinking about..." he adds, "since you haven't paid me back yet, would you like to have dinner with me as a way of paying me?" Sasaki asks me. I feel shocked, yet I try to not show it on my face. The room gets silent for a moment. There were a lot of things that were wrong about this. 

The fact that he was an old classmate, my old crush, and the worst one yet, my brother's old sidekick. It was a problem just waiting to happen. At the same time though... this could be a good thing though. You only live once, I think to myself. I nod and Sasaki releases a sigh of relief. 

"Good, I'll text you the time and date." He smiles at me. This was the first time he had ever smiled at me and God... his smile was so... handsome, a quick thought came and went. Getting out of my thoughts, I smile and nod at him. He gets up and takes his groceries. Saying goodbye and leaving me alone in the house. I could feel myself smiling like an idiot. I think it's finally time to tell Toshinori about Sasaki. 

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