"Yeah, we haven't finished," Lucas adds.

"Sorry, guys," Jonathan says, "but it's getting late. We have to be home by nine."

They all let out sighs. "Guess we'll finish the campaign tomorrow," Dustin says as everyone gets to their feet and gathers their things.

While Will stuffs all his D&D materials into his backpack, Mike steps over to him. "Can't you stay a little longer?" he asks as Will puts on his backpack.

Will shakes his head, waving to Jonathan and El who are waiting by the stairs. "Sorry, but my mom wants us home. I'll see you tomorrow though, right?"

"Yeah, okay." To both of their surprise, he wraps his arms around Will, pulling him into a hug.

When they pull away, Will, eyebrows drawn together, gives Mike a smile and squeezes his shoulder. "Bye, Mike."


He and El wave goodbye to everyone else and hurry up the stairs after Jonathan. When they get out to the yard, Jonathan keeps Will back while El heads into the car. Jonathan nods back to the Wheeler's house. "What was that about?"

Will frowns. "What?"

"Back there with Mike?"

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he shrugs. "We were just saying goodbye."

"Okay, alright." Jonathan gives him a look, but Will ignores it and starts towards the car. "Hey, wait." Lowering his voice, Jonathan takes his shoulder so they're facing each other. "I know he's your best friend but just... don't let him off too easy, okay? And make sure he knows what he did and said wasn't alright."

"Yeah, I know." Will rolls his eyes but cracks a smile. "I can handle him."

"Okay, okay." Jonathan chuckles, and they get in the car. "So how's your campaign?" he asks as Will gets in the passenger's seat.

"Good, I think."

From the backseat, El leans forward. "Oh, it's so much fun. I really like it."

Will turns to her. "Really? I was afraid you were getting bored."

She shrugs, a small smile on her face. "I like when everyone's happy."

They share a smile before Jonathan starts up the car, and they head home.

When they get inside, Joyce is washing dishes in the kitchen. While Jonathan and El go to their respective rooms, Will hovers by the table. "Hey, Mom?"


He takes a seat, hugging his arms. "Can I talk to you about something?"

She glances over her shoulder and seeing the serious look on his face, turns off the faucet and takes a seat beside him. "What is it, honey?" Drying her hands off on a towel, her eyebrows knit together. "Are you okay?"

"I..." Trying to figure out how to phrase it, he chews the inside of his cheek and takes a breath. He's been thinking of telling her for days. Since he's basically told everyone else he knows, it shouldn't be so hard, and he's sure his mom already has her suspicions. And yet, the lump in his throat and knot in his stomach are still present.

"Will? What is it?"

He looks at his hands, wringing them together. "Mom... I'm – I like..."

As he struggles to get the words out, he can feel his mom's eyes on him, waiting ever so patiently. Sucking in a breath, he closes his eyes and lets it out. "Mom, I'm gay."

"Oh, honey-" A smile pulls at his mom's mouth, and she wraps her arms around him. "Thank you for telling me."

He sinks into her arms. The lump in his throat and knot in his stomach vanish, replaced by a warmth in his chest. When they pull apart, she takes his face in her hands. "I want you to know I love you so much, no matter what, okay? I always will."

American Heroes: A Stranger Things 3 FicWhere stories live. Discover now