The Omniverse (A short story)

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In the beginning, there was darkness, no light, no sound, no matter.

There was no evil, no good, no hate, no love, as there were no living things to sow their emotion into the world...and there was no world to sow it into.

Then something happened...what? No-one knows, all that is known, is that a thing appeared, what was it doing?


It did nothing, it was just a thing, a piece of matter, made up of something that no-one, not even myself, could understand. But what it did-didn't matter, no, what mattered is that it existed.

Somehow, whether it was someone or something, a thing, an object of no consequence, appeared. There was no longer nothing.

There was something.

Then another thing appeared, then another and another, where do they come from? I do not know, my kind had debated it since its very creation, what started it all?

A God? A being so powerful we could not understand its pinkie toe...if it had one.

A chemical reaction? I wouldn't know, as there shouldn't have been any chemicals in a world of nothing.

So I choose to be content with not knowing.

These things, these objects, they eventually grew to the point where this space, which used to hold nothing, now couldn't hold something any longer.

And it exploded.

As many know, when a container is overfilled to a certain point, it bursts. This event was much like that...just bigger.

And with this explosion, there was light. The darkness of course fought back, the two forces never seem to get along.

Now that their container was gone, where did the things go?

Everywhere, or nowhere if you think about it, how can they go anywhere if there is nothing?

They things would crash into each other, launching bits of thing every which way. It was chaos, which technically was good, anyone should know that without chaos nothing would get done.

Eventually, everything had been destroyed, leaving their parts everywhere, and these parts began to collide, to either combine or tear away even more material.

They formed all sorts of things, useless but beautiful things, ugly but useful things,
Ugly and useless get where I'm headed.

Some would light up, some were dark and dead, yet not, can a thing that was never alive, die?

They would orbit around each other as if they were on a string, by which someone was pulling them around.

The human race had named this gravity, of course, that is basically all they know about it...all anyone knows about it really.

This is where my memory is fuzzy, something happened, I don't know what, or why. But I know that something happened.

The omniverse was born.

Each thing, or at least pieces of thing, became see-through, they were like windows which I could see infinite possibilities raging and tearing through all things, time, space, life, and nature, all of which were mere infants at this time.

Each window contains what appeared to be clear cubes, filled with thousands, maybe more, tiny dots of different colors, colors which if I named and described, would make any normal person drop-dead, their minds melted.

Each dot, was a group of possibilities, or a multiverse as one would call it, each infinite in size, and yet so small. One says infinity never ends, and yet I see thousands of infinities all in front of me, it is truly wonderous.

A wonderous group of worlds, filled with paradises and horrors.

And it all started with nothing.

And who am I?

No one of importance.

Done! I just had a spat of writers creativity, wanted to get it out of my system, how was it?


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