43. "you said you loved me"

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Lex's POV

I stare at the whiteboard in front of me, listening to the teacher give us the whole Beginning of the Year speech. Once the dismissal bell rings, I walk out of the classroom with Grayson. "He hasn't called?" He asks me. "Not once... I'm pretty sure we're over," I say, trying not to cry. "Don't say that. It's a lot to take in..." Gray says. "Don't take his side," I argue. "I'm not! I'm just trying to see both sides of the story," he explains.

We walk to his car and he starts driving to his place. After driving in silence for a while, I decide to speak up. "I miss him, Gray," I express. "I know. Maybe call him again?" he suggests, pulling into the driveway of his home. I shrug as we get out of the car. We make our way to the front door and then are greeted by his mom. "Hey guys, I laid out snacks for you on the table for your study sesh," she says cheerfully. "Thanks, Mrs.Hartley," I say.

"Don't mention it," she smiles. "Call me Amanda." I smile back and nod my head. "Let's go, Lex," Grayson comments. We make our way to the kitchen table and take out or textbooks and laptops. "I hate that teachers make us do the typical What do you remember from last year? Test. It's so stupid," He sighs. "It's not that bad," I say, laughing a little. I look at the review packets to know what material to study.

"I learned all of this in my last school," I say. "Great! Teach me everything," Grayson suggests. I laugh in response and help him learn the material. After our little study date, he drops me off at the apartments. "Just show up to his place. He can't avoid you when you're right in front of him," He tells me. I stand outside of the driver's side door and lean on the open window. "I don't know, Gray..." I answer. "Lex, it has been almost 2 weeks. You guys haven't said a word to each other," he says.

"Think about it, okay?" He suggests. I nod my head and say goodbye. I make my way up to the apartment and find Charlie reviewing his script. "Hey, Lex. H-How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" he asks, bombarding me with questions. "No, sappy as usual," I answer. "I got you more Goldfish, I know you like those," He says taking a big box out of the pantry. "Thanks, Charlie," I say. "Of Course, Lex. Jer also dropped off an I'm sorry cake. He baked it himself," Charlie explains.

"I think I'm gonna talk to him," I say not paying attention to what he's saying. "A-Are you sure?" Charlie asks, unsure of my decisions. "Yeah," I answer. Charlie nods his head and gives me a hug. "If you need me to kick his ass, just call me," he says. I nod my head and pull away from the hug.

I let out a deep breath and make my way to his apartment. I knock on the door and wait for an answer. "Owen?" I call out. I lean my head on the door and hope that he responds. "Owen, I know you're in there. Charlie said you guys were off today," I say, holding back my tears. I hear movement in the apartment but no one comes to the door. "Please?... C'mon Owen. If you love me then, please, please, open the door," I beg. I let a tear roll down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away.

To my surprise, he opens the door. He hasn't shaved and his hair is messy. "You can't say that. It's not fair," Owen says. "Can we talk?" I ask him. He rolls his eyes and moves aside, letting me in. "I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry. You should've been the first to know and I am incredibly truly sorry. Owen, I love you. I was so stupid to keep it from you and I was scared," I explain, letting the tears roll freely down my cheeks.

"I slept with someone," He blurts out randomly. My heart stops. I feel as if I've been stabbed. "Y-You what?" I stutter in disbelief. "You're joking... Is this some sort of sick joke?" I ask. "It was a mistake, Lex. I'm the one who should be sorry," he says. "Y-Yeah, you should be sorry! A-And getting an answer wrong on a test is a mistake, but cheating on your girlfriend i-is just WRONG!" I yell.

"Lex, just hear me out-" He starts, walking closer to me. "No! There's nothing to hear, y-you cheated on me!" I yell. I push his shoulders in anger, repeatedly. "You... Said... You... Loved... Me!" I say pushing him in between each word. "I do! I do love you!" He yells back, grabbing my arms.

"I said it was a mistake. It didn't mean anything, I swear!" He assures me. "No! I don't trust you! Let go of me!" I say, pulling away.

"Are we going to forget that you tried to hide your pregnancy from me?" He retorts. "DO NOT turn this on me! I said I was going to tell you," I scream. "YEAH? WHEN?" He asks, yelling back. "THAT NIGHT!" I answer. He stays silent. "I was going to tell you, that night," I repeat quietly.

"Lex..." He starts. "Don't. I don't want anything to do with you right now," I say walking out of his apartment. I walk angrily back to Charlie and I's place. "Lex, please!" He yells from behind me. I ignore him and wipe away my tears. "Charlie..." I cry, stepping into the apartment. "No, no. What's wrong?" he asks, quickly pulling me into a hug. I don't answer. Instead, I sob into his chest.

Charlie comforts me until I settle down. "Talk to me later okay? When you're ready..." he says. I nod my head and wipe my tears. "I'll be right back," he tells me. He walks out the door without another word.

When Charlie left, I decided to call Jer...

"Jer?" I say into the phone. "Hey, Lex. What's up?" He asks. "U-Um nothing. A-Are you free?" I ask, trying to sound as normal as possible. "Actually, Carolynn and I are pretty tied up with our movie marathon, sorry," He answers. "Is it important?"

"No, I-I'll just talk to you tomorrow, okay? Have fun," I say. "Lex-" Before he can say anything more, I hang up the phone, not wanting to bother him.

Just then, Charlie bursts into the apartment. "Ahh," he says, groaning in pain. "What happened?" I ask, coming to his aid. "Uhhh, nothing," he says hiding his hand. "Your knuckles are bleeding," I point out. "Come sit," I say getting an ice pack out of the freezer. "I had to. H-He hurt you! I couldn't just let that slide," Charlie argues.

"I don't want to talk about it. Not yet..." I say, cleaning up dried blood on his knuckles. "I'm sorry," He apologizes. I wrap his hand and put ice on it. "You're a good brother," I comment. "I do my best," He says. "Let's drive around the city. All night. Forget about everything, get fast food, blast the music, anything to get your mind off that poopy face," Charlie suggests.

"That sounds great," I say, holding back the tears. Charlie takes the car keys and we head to the car. "Let's go," He says turning on the stereo.

I could not have asked for a better big brother...



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