42. too late...

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Lex's POV

It's been a couple of days since Charlie and Jer found out. Charlie and I went to visit the doctor's office after that day and found out that I was around 6 weeks along. I still haven't told Owen...

I know he said that it wouldn't be a bad thing if I got pregnant but I've been wondering if he just said that to make me feel better about the whole pregnancy scare. What if he thinks we can handle having a child right now when in reality, we can't?

"Lex school starts in 3 days. You going or what?" Charlie asks. I shrug my shoulders and sigh. "I don't know yet..." I respond. "Lex, you need to tell Owen. It's been too long," Charlie says. "I said I need time!" I argue. "He needs to know! You have had way more than enough time," He argues back. "I said I'll tell him," I fight back.

"Today," He suggests. "Fine..." I say unsure. "You can do it," Charlie says, comforting me. "I'll do it over dinner," I conclude. Charlie nods his head and makes his way over to me. "I'm gonna run to the store. Do you need anything?" he asks.

I shake my head 'no', and watch as he takes my car keys. "See you later. Call me if you need me," Charlie says walking out of the door. I decide to visit Savannah, who is only a few floors down. "How you feeling girl?" She asks, letting me in. "Better. I still haven't told him," I confess.

"You need to get on that. He has to know, Lex," Savannah says. "Trust me, I know," I answer looking into her pantry. I pull out a little bag of fruit snacks and sit on the table. "When are you going to do it?" She asks me. I pop a gummy into my mouth before answering. "Tonight," I answer.

"Did you figure out how?" Savannah asks. "I'm just gonna spit it out. Just gonna rip it off like a band-aid," I say. "Good Idea."

Savannah and I decided to have an Avengers movie marathon before I go to tell Owen...

Halfway into Avengers Civil War, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. "Ahh," I groan. "What's wrong?" Savannah asks, pausing the movie. "Somethings not right," I say, holding my stomach. "You're bleeding," she points out. I look down at my leggings to see bloodstains that started to spread to my inner thigh. "We need to go to the hospital," She says helping me off the couch.

I wobble to the front door, while she gets her car keys. "Let's Go," Savannah says.

As soon as we get to the car, she starts driving to the nearest hospital. Currently, I am in a tremendous amount of pain. It's like period cramps x 273120380123. I really hope the baby is okay...

Savannah parks the car and we walk into the hospital. "We need help! She's pregnant and she just started bleeding," Savanna exclaims. A nurse comes in our direction and leads us to a room. She immediately does an ultrasound on me to see if the baby is okay. "I don't see a baby..." She says quietly. "You mean... I had a miscarriage?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I'm so sorry for your loss," She nurse says, shutting off the machine. She wipes the cold gel off my stomach and pulls my shirt down. I look at Savannah and she comes over to hug me. "I'll leave you two alone," The nurse says, walking out of the room. "Are you okay?" Savannah asks me.

"I- I don't know..." I answer. "Call Charlie, please."

After getting cleaned out and cleaned up, I was put in a hospital bedroom. Savannah has been by my bedside the whole time. "Lex?" Charlie says, rushing through the doorway. "Oh, Thank God," He sighs, knowing that I was okay.

"What happened?" he asks, sitting next to Savannah. I don't answer. Instead, I play with my fingers and shrug. "She miscarried," Savanna whispers. "Oh Gosh. Lex, I'm so sorry," He says, pulling me into a hug. "It's gone. The baby... I-It's just gone," I say very lowly. "I feel like I should be sadder than I am right now. Shouldn't I be crying more?" I ask as my eyes begin to water. "It's okay, Lex," Charlie says. "Lexy?" We hear.

We look at the doorway to see Owen standing with a worried look on his face. "We should go," Savannah says. Charlie nods his head and follows her out the door. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asks, walking to the side of my bed.

"I- um... I..." I stutter. "Spit it out, babe," Owen says. His thumb rubs the back of my hand as he holds it. I close my eyes and breathe deeply. "I miscarried..." I say, my eyes starting to water again. "Miscarried? You mean you were..." Owen asks. I nod my head 'yes' as the tears slowly roll down my face.

"I was pregnant," I confess. Owen's eyes begin to water. He paces around the room with his hands in his hair. "Did you know? Or is this how you found out?" He asks, trying to calm down. I look at his face, trying not to cry. He could tell by my expressions, that I knew. "You knew? And you didn't tell me?" He yells. "I'm sorry," I sob. "I couldn't tell you!"

"Why not?" Owen argues. "That's not something you keep, Lex, that's something I should've known!" He yells. "Don't yell," I cry. "No! I will yell If I want to! That was my kid too and you kept it from me," he argues. "I'm sorry!" I say again. "Charlie knew?" He asks, aggressively.

I slowly nod my head, wiping my tears. "How long?" He asks, not even facing me. I don't answer, for the fear he might flip out. "How long, Lex?" he asks again, strongly. "A week," I mutter. "A WEEK?" He screams. I sit hopelessly in the bed, watching him in his angered state. "Who else knows?" he asks me. "I don't want to talk about this anymore," I mumble. "No. We're talking about this. I don't care if you don't want to or not," He says. "Jer... Carolynn... Mads... and Savannah," I say quietly, sniffling.

"Are you KIDDING ME? All those people knew, but me? What kind of a girlfriend are you?" He asks, chuckling sarcastically. "We're supposed to be telling each other things like this, not keeping them." He angrily brushes his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry..." I say. "Stop saying 'sorry'! It's not going to fix anything!" Owen screams. "I was going to tell you!" I say, trying to redeem myself. "I guess it's too late now, huh Lex," Owen laughs sarcastically.

"You are so selfish," he says lowly. Without another word, he storms out of the room, slamming the door closed behind him. Suddenly Jer comes into the room. I let all the tears out and he pulls me into a hug. "Shhh, shhh, I know. I'm sorry, Lex," Jer says, comforting me. "He'll come around, he loves you," He says.

"He hates me." I cry into Jer's shoulder, hugging him back tightly. Charlie bursts into the room and quickly makes his way over to me. "What happened?" He asks, also hugging me. "I told him," I confess. "It didn't go well... obviously," I mumble, pulling away from the hug. Savannah comes into the room as well. She sits on the chair in front of my bed and stays there to comfort me. "I'll go talk to Owen," Jer suggests. "I'm a horrible person," I say, shaking my head. "No you're not, babe," Savannah says. "I am. I should've told him first. God, I'm so stupid!" I exclaim, putting my face in my hands.

"You're not stupid. You were just scared," Charlie says, putting his arm around me. "I wanna go home," I say, straight forward.

"You're not stupid, Lex," Savannah says, repeating Charlie. "I wanna go home," I say again. Charlie and Savanna look at each other before agreeing to go home.

The rest of the day, I did not speak a single word. I texted Owen multiple times and of course, no answer. I called... no answer. I decided to give him some space, and stop trying to reach him.





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Never In A Million Years {Owen Joyner}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang