“Don’t you mean ‘we’?” I mutter looking at him as he cringes. 

“I’m sorry, but Landon called and said there was business I had to deal with back at home. I’m sorry, why don't you ask Jessica to go, I’m sure she’d love to.”

“Okay. That’s fine. You have to go.” I smile. “I’ll see you when you get back and I’ll show you his pictures.”

Hers.” He corrected with a smirk. 

“I guess we’ll find out today.” I giggle. “Or do you want me to wait to find out until we can be there together?”

“No, find out today. Just message me as soon as you do.” He smiles. “I’ll be waiting. I better go now. Remember to have breakfast before you leave.”

“Will do.” Then he was gone. Like a lover in the night. 

After putting on some leggings and a long shirt I walk towards the pack house to find Jessica in the kitchen along with Jamie and another person I wasn't expecting to see. Cade. 

Nevertheless I continued to grab my breakfast. “Hey, Jess, can I ask you a question?” Then immediately regretted doing so, because I knew exactly what she was going to say in reply. 

“You just did, but go ahead, ask another one.” She smirked devilishly. 

“Hardy-har-har. I was wondering if you wanted to come to the ultrasound with me to find out the sex of my baby. Even though I already know he’s a boy.” 

She squeals in excitement but when Jamie shoots her a look she calms immediately and then looks upset. “I would, but I already agreed to Jamie’ request of taking me on our first date.”

With those words I became the squealer. “Yay! That’s great news. No, thats fine. Have fun, you too.”  I walk over and give them both a kiss before they smile and leave the kitchen. 

“I’ll go.” 

At first I didn't know who the words came from and then realisation sunk in. “Cade? You want to see him?”

He smiles. “Of course you would be the one to know the gender of you're own baby before an ultrasound. Yes, I’d like to see him. I bet he’ll be just as good looking as his mother.” His smile grows. 

“Yes, Cade, as good looking as he can be from inside my stomach with my organs around him. Just gorgeous.” I laugh and that’s when my baby decides to kick. “Oh.” I lean over, placing my hand on the bench for stability. 

“Woah, are you okay?” Cade asks, coming to my side immediately. 

“Yeah, he’s just kicking. It was a big one. He doesn't kick often, but when he does, Jesus. I swear he’s going to be a soccer player.” I laugh once again.

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