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 Enjoy! I do not own Marvel or any of the characters.

Natasha Romanoff was the Black Widow, she was a force to be reckoned with. She could kill a man 15 ways by the time she was 7 years old, with just her body. But there was one thing that could bring her down, PERIODS.

Natasha moaned softly as she rolled over, it felt like someone had a hold of her guts and was squeezing them, hard. She laid in bed on her back, staring up at the ceiling, She had been trying to sleep for hours now. But she just couldn't stay asleep. So she just lay there, pain rippling across her body. Eventually, after some deep thinking about how she was going to hide this from the guys, she nodded off.

The other avengers were enjoying breakfast in the living area, Clint had made himself some toast and was doing a crossword on the table. Tony was talking to Bruce about some new scientific inventions. Thor was looking very chuffed as he produced a slightly burned pop-tart.

"Friends! I have mastered metal contraption!"

He sounded so pleased with himself Bruce didn't have the heart to tell him Tony had told JARVIS to cook the pop-tart (last time Thor tried he set the toaster on fire).

Clint chuckled to himself.

Just then, Steve jogged in, he normally went for a run in the morning- sometimes Natasha went with him. So when Natasha didn't turn up to their normal morning spar session, he assumed she had gone on a run with Steve.

"Hey guys, you seen Nat?" Steve asked

"No, I thought she went on a run with you" Clint responded, now a little confused. Natasha was always up at dawn.

His thoughts were interrupted as the woman in question walked into the living area.

Clint immediately noticed something was off, she was slightly hunched over, her hand was resting on her abdomen, and she was ignoring Tony's annoying comments.

"You have a lie-in little red?" Tony joked, a grin plastered to his face. It quickly dissolved when he noticed Natasha's expression. Clint noticed it too, it was a mix of pain and anger. Clint's eyes swept over to the calendar and when he saw the date he winced slightly and went over to her.

He opened one of the top cupboards and pulled out some pain medication. He handed her some of the pills and pressed a light kiss to her forehead,

"Go back to bed Nat, I'll handle these guys".

She looked up at him and smiled gratefully, "Will you come lie with me?", her voice was so innocent Clint couldn't help but smirk.

"You're clingy when you're in pain" Natasha gave him a half-hearted death stare so he continued "Yeah Nat, I'll be there in a bit"

She picked up a glass of water from the side and exited the room.

Clint watched her go, she never liked to show weakness, especially when that weakness was only specific to her gender.

"Hey, Merida? What was that about?" Clint turned away from the door to find the other 4 guys giving him curious looks.

"Does Pepper ever have really bad mood swings? Or suddenly want the most random food she can think of?" Clint watched as Tony thought long and hard about his questions.


"Or spends longer in the bathroom..." Clint was hoping at least one of them would take the hint

Steve went a violent shade of red, Bruce's face turned slightly pink and his mouth formed an 'o' shape. Thor looked just as oblivious as Tony.

"Tony, do you know what happens to girls every month?" Clint was finding this quite amusing now, the two guys who had live-in girlfriends were the only two who didn't know what he was talking about.

"Yeah, they you know, ohhhhhh." His face turned into a smirk, "That time of the month"

"I'm warning you now Tony, I wouldn't mess with Nat on her period, she is twice as deadly than normal"

"I'm not scared of her"

The other avengers eyed Tony with raised eyebrows. Except for Thor, who was still wearing a confused look.

"I do not understand, is Lady Natasha sick?" Thor asked

Clint chuckled, "I'm going to go sit with Nat, I'll leave you three to explain periods to him"

"Erm, does she need anything?" Bruce asked quickly

"Normally just medication and chocolate, and don't treat her any differently, she hates to be seen as weak"

"I'll bring in some medication later, I have some stuff that will work better than paracetamol"

Clint smiled his thanks and walked out of the room, he could hear Tony trying to describe periods to Thor, the words 'vagina' and 'gushing' came out far to quickly, he had a feeling Tony was enjoying it.

When he reached Natasha's room, it was quiet. There was a lump in the bed, and soft whimpers could be heard coming from the lump. Clint moved towards it slowly, sneaking up on Natasha was a death wish, but sneaking up on Natasha in pain was just downright suicide. He knocked on the bedside table softly and whispered "Nat?".

The lump rolled over, and Clint could just about make out a clump of red hair peeking out from the covers, he slipped his socks off and climbed into her bed next to the lump.

A hand found him and pulled it towards a torso, Natasha relaxed when his hand began to rub small circles into her abdomen.

"Bruce will be in later with some stronger meds"


Natasha backed up so her back was pressed against his torso, his other hand snuck under the crook of her neck so she was lying on his arm. His palm pressed against her forehead lightly, "Jeez, Nat your quite warm"

She just moaned in response and started to curl in on herself, Clint shushed her gently and rubbed harder circles.

"Do you wanna put a movie on?"


Clint stopped making circles for a minute and found the remote for the t.v at the end of her bed. He flicked on a Star Wars movie and went back to tracing shapes. They laid there for quite a while, *boy was this going to be a long week* CLint thought to himself, but if it kept Natasha from literally tearing Tony apart it was worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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