Sick Part 2

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Hi guys, sorry the update came a bit later, this is a longer chapter, the next one will be up in a couple of days, promise! Apologies for any mistakes, I do not own Marvel or any of their characters, if I did clintasha would be a definite thing! Thanks for reading!

Clint stumbled into the avenger's tower chilled to the bone. It had rained the entire way back from SHIELD headquarters so he was more than irritated to be greeted by an "out of order, courtesy of Thor" sign taped to the doors of the elevator. it was 30 floors of stairs to his floor *sigh* better get on with it then he sighed.

34 floors later (he decided to go straight up to the living area), he discovered the rest of the avengers huddled up on the couches watching a Star Wars movie. it took a few moments, but he soon caught sight of the flaming red hair peeking out from one of the cushions.

one minute he was admiring her hair, the next it was shoved into his face along with the rest of her. she squeezed him so tightly he was sure that she was actually gonna kill him. he gently prised his body out from her strong grip and pulled her chin up to meet his eyeline. "You alright Nat?" he asked gently, making sure not to let the other avengers hear "You look a little pale"

"yeah" she replied quickly, avoiding his eyes "Just a little tired"

Clint looked skeptical, but when she smiled at him and pretended to stifle a yawn he seemed a little more convinced. He wrapped his muscular arm around her petite frame and guided them both towards the couches, where Natasha's bundle of blankets were already waiting.

Clint sat down first, then proceeded to pull Natasha into his warmth. She adjusted her head position so that it was resting in the crook of his neck, they stayed in this position for the remainder of the movie, that is until Natasha felt the nausea and dizziness return, much stronger this time. She couldn't resist the black spots that started dancing in her vision.

The film finished, and immediately after Steve and Tony started debating which movie series was better- Star Wars or Star Trek. Bruce had passed out on the chair in the corner of the room during the film. Clint looked down and was greeted by the sleeping form of Natasha, Weird he thought Nat is always alert with a knife to the throat of any who dared interrupt her sleep. He placed a gentle hand on her forehead and quickly withdrew it when he realized how hot it was. "Shit Nat" he whispered "Bruce, BRUCE!"Bruce woke quickly and came over to the pair of assassins. Steve and Tony abruptly ended their squabble and watched as Bruce reached Clint.

"What's up?" Bruce asked quietly, not wanting to wake the sleeping assassin

"Nats burning up" Clint replied quickly

Bruce placed the back of his hand on Natasha's forehead, "JARVIS, whats Natasha's temperature?"

"I'm sorry Dr. Banner, but when you moved in Ms. Romanoff forced Mr. Stark to promise to only give away medical information in life-threatening situations" JARVIS replied.

All the avengers looked at Tony confused, "What?!" he exclaimed, "she can be downright scary when she wants to be!"

Just then Natasha stirred in Clint's arms. She cracked an eyelid open and was greeted by four worried expressions staring at her own. Clint's face swam into view so she used it to focus on as another wave of nausea washed over her.

"Nat?", Natasha drew her gaze over to Steve, who was wearing an expression that was clearly asking her if this was worse than earlier.

"I'm fine guys, just tired okay?", her reply came out quite harsh, but she was embarrassed to have passed out in front of everyone, even if they just thought she was asleep. She pulled herself up from Clint's warm frame and started walking towards the door. " I'm going to bed, night everyone", and with that, she exited the room.

The avengers watched her leave in silence, then all swiftly turned their attention to Clint, who had his eyes fixed on the door Natasha had just exited from.

"What the hell was that about?" Tony cried, "She's clearly not fine! Is she so proud and stubborn that she can't admit to being ill?"

"He has got a point Clint" Steves's voice was quiet, "she was throwing up this morning after we sparred"

Clint put his head in his hands and sighed "It's not that she's too proud, or stubborn. She was taught never to show weakness. If she did, she was cruelly beaten by her old handler Ivan."

"Does she not know that none of us would ever knowingly hurt her, I mean we're her family" Steves's answer was heartfelt and sounded a little sad at Clint's answer.

"I've tried, believe me. But that was 16 years of her childhood, it takes a lot more that one person to make her forget that. When I first brought her to SHIELD, Fury threatened to take her off missions unless she started being honest about any injuries. She's notorious for hiding her pain, she's pretty good at it too."

"So this has happened before?" Tony asked, clearly wanting to get more of Natasha's backstory, he knew everything about 4 of the avengers, but the assassins were a complete mystery to him.

"A few times actually, most of the time she will take care of it herself, if she's not better by morning it's probably something major. Oh, and she usually discreetly avoids coffee if she's feeling off" Clint replied.

"So we wait until morning, if she's drinking coffee, she's probably feeling better?" Bruce sounded a little confused by Clint's logic, but he knew Natasha better than he did.

"When she's better, we need to discuss this. She needs to know she can trust us, we're her family now, her team" Steve cut in, captain instincts kicking in.


Natasha sat up in bed. The alarm clock next to her reading 3:04am, *shit* she cursed as a sharp pain rippled through her side. *It definitely wasn't this bad yesterday* then it all came flooding back, Clint, "falling asleep"- okay passing out- running (shuffling) out of the room when she saw their faces. Clint probably told the others about her apparent issue with showing weakness. Slowly, she rolled out of bed and began the 2-floor ascent to the lounge.

When she eventually got there, the huge mounted clock on the wall read about 4:30 am. Clint was usually up by 5, Steve and Bruce by 7, and Tony- well they were lucky if Tony was up by lunch.

Natasha wandered over to the coffee pot and poured herself a steaming mug of it. She normally avoided coffee when she felt sick, but she knew Clint would use that against her. So, ignoring the wave of nausea that followed every sip of the black beverage, she wandered back up to her floor, falling asleep before her head hit the pillow.

It was gone 7:30 when Natasha staggered into the lounge. Clint had a piece of jam toast half-way to his mouth. Steve was debating with Tony about Star Wars vs Star Trek again. Bruce was "reading" a newspaper, but he was secretly listening to the debate. Natasha stumbled past the door into the kitchen and went to the coffee pot, Clint watching her every move. He smiled as he saw her reach for a mug and walked over to her. "You alright Nat?" Clint's voice sounded both concerned yet curious.

"Yep, I told you, I just needed to sleep it off", she smiled sweetly at him and took a sip of the coffee.

"Ok... next time tell me. I'm here for you... we're here for you", he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead and walked back to his seat to finish his toast.

Natasha turned back to the counter-top, stifling a moan that came with another wave of pain. She took a few shaky steps towards the sofa, *shit* was all she could manage before her vision went dark and the mug of coffee smashed on the ground next to her.

"Nat?!" Clint almost fell out of his chair trying to reach her, "Bruce!". Bruce came running over, Steve and Tony not far behind. Clint scooped Natasha's petit frame into his lap and checked her pulse, it was thready but there. All three of them were shaking her, trying to rouse her.

Just then Thor walked in, "Friends I have returned!", a smug grin on his face. But when he turned to see Natasha out cold on the floor with coffee all over the floor the smirk quickly vanished. "Erm... is this a bad time?".

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