The Club

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"I remember everything. I remembered how I got to where I am today. Looking back it all seems so fucking weird. I went from being on the bottom of the food chain to being on top. From working at a club and serving men who played poker to being called the Queen of Poker. It's funny how life turns out sometimes but then again look at where I started out. Working at a club in a short ass dress. The music was always loud. You could feel it vibrating through the floor, through the walls, and through the air."

"Now the first thing you need to know is there are five levels to the club. When you walk in your on the first level. Now on the first level you've got your normal club goers. It has a bar, a big dance floor and some tables and booths. The music was always loud and people were always wild. These people were just normal people. They had normal jobs or just flat out didn't have a job and frankly just wanted to have a good time."

  "The second floor was the where the rich were. The floor had tables and booths all over it and a stage on one of the sides. It also had a smaller bar than downstairs that always had two bartenders and had girls in tights dresses that would take orders from the men and women and then bring them their drinks. Now this floor was mainly filled with men not always but mostly. It didn't matter if they were single or not the just wanted to get wasted with their friends and try to get lucky enough to take one of the girls serving home. The goal for the girls was to play along and get them to spend a lot of money on drinks. Another reason this floor was mainly filled with men was because of the stage. It had a pole and a girl who would dance on it while the men talked, drank, or watched. Who was on the pole depended on the time and which girls got the most attention."

  "The fourth floor was different from the other two. It had a hallway that connected a lot of separate rooms. Each one sound proud and with a large king sized bed. This floor was reserved for the men who paid for girls. It wasn't for everyone and you had to schedule ahead of time. It wasn't as much connected to the rest of the club as much as it was its own separate business. You had to have money because it wasn't cheap. The boss liked it however because it made him a lot of money. Now I know what you're thinking why would anyone want to work there. Well simple you have the girls who liked it and didn't care then you had the girls who had no other choice or option."

  "The fourth floor was simple. It had the bosses office and his two assistants' offices. It also had room for meeting and that was pretty much it."

  "The fifth level was actually the basement. Now the basement wasn't like any of the other rooms. It was just one big room that had a long bar, an ATM, and a poker table with chairs around it. It wasn't part of a business it was just the boss and guys playing poker. In the basement there weren't a lot of girls only a few and they didn't dress in the club uniform. They were always four girls. One at the bar making drinks. One delivering drinks when a guy asked for one. And two keeping track of the game and money. Not a lot of people new about it and the girls who worked there weren't supposed to say anything the the clubers or the other girls who didn't know about it or really anyone who didn't know about it. I found out about it about two weeks after working at the club."

  "Hey, Ontari, boss wants to see you." Astrid said over the loud music.

  "Ok." I started up the stairs to his office. When I got there I knocked on the door. "Come in." I opened the door and walked in.

  "Sit down." George said. George was out boss and the owner of the club. He was also a creepy pervert who thinks that he's hot when in reality he's ugly and really overweight. He always hits on the girls and he always stares at us in our outfits for too long without shhame because he's our boss and we can't say shit and keep our jobs.

  "I want you to do a job for me." He said.

  "What is it?" I asked.

  "You remember Aria right?" He asked me. I nodded my head. Aria was a girl who had quit a couple days ago. He continued, "Well she had a job that was different from her one at the club. She and a couple other girls helped at these poker games I run. Now that she's gone her spot I'd open. You've done a good job at the club and  you'll keep that job. You'll get payed more too. Want the job?"

  "Sure." I said. I didn't really have a choice I mean I needed the money and couldn't afford to say no.

  "Good. You start tomorrow. You'll be working with a couple other girls." He told me.

  "Which girls?"

  "Astrid, Mabel, and Sloan. You'll be with Amory keeping track of the game and money. Got it?" He said the last part firmly.

  "Yeah got it."

  "Good now get back to work. You start the other job tomorrow. Come in with Astrid don't be late."

  "Okay." I said then got up and left. I went back downstairs and started working again. I was at the bar putting in an order when Astrid came up to me.

  "Hey what did the boss want?" She asked.

  "He offered me Aria's old job at the poker games. Told me to ask you to explain everything to me." I said then grabbed the drinks to take to the table.

  "Oh yeah that's great I'll explain everything when we get home." She said then walked back to her section and I went to deliver the drinks to the guys who ordered them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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