Chapter 2: Frets and Discoveries

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Stephanie continued sitting near a corner, chewing on the sides of her fingers as she scratched her arms with her nails.

Her mind was fretting over the fact that she had broken two simple rules that are supposed to be strictly followed through life: 'Do not sing,' and 'do not get caught.'

But she was relaxed after being terrified throughout her life and sang, resulting in getting herself caught by the giant.

They have to move out of the house immediately, leaving no trace behind, and find another to live in.

If that does not work, they go Underground to live with the rest of the hidden humans.

But Stephanie did not want to leave her house or go with the other humans to hide out of daylight because she loved the outside world.

Suddenly, Stephanie stopped a little when she felt something liquid against her fingers, glancing down at her left arm and noticing she had scratched herself until she bled.

Stephanie stood up from the corner and carefully snuck herself into the bathroom to not make any noises.

She also kept an ear out for any noises coming from outside, pausing a few times to feel any tremors.

Once she had reached the bathroom, Stephanie carefully opened the cabinet door and took out the bandages before closing it back, as it made a small and quiet clicking noise.

Sitting on the bathroom floor, Stephanie first puts hydro-peroxide on her scratched arms to clean the blood off, which stung as she bit down on her tongue to keep herself from hissing.

After the blood was cleaned off of her arm, Stephanie then placed gauze pads on her scratched wounds to keep them from bleeding again.

She then started wrapping the bandages with bandage wrap, keeping the gauze pads secure from ripping off if she moved quickly around.

After mending her scratched arm, Stephanie carefully and slowly stood back up to her feet, walking to the living room to reconsider her actions.

Usually, if Stephanie either draws, crochets, or anything that makes 'noises,' her foster parents would instantly freak out if they catch her doing that, lecture her about what she did 'to danger them' and take all it away from her.

Stephanie covered her ears from the memories of her foster parents' constant and frantic shrieking at her.

She had to watch her creations and her creativity being taken away from her or destroyed.

If she had toys, they would instantly take them away from her the instant they see them in her hands, leaving her with almost nothing.

Suddenly, something rumbled that caused her to open her eyes, and her breathing hitched a little.

Glancing over at the glass of water that she filled from the kitchen sink to help her calm her nerves, Stephanie watched as the surface of the glass rippled a little, causing her heart to skip a beat.

Was a giant coming this way?

Stephanie glanced over her shoulder at one of the closed windows, feeling terrified of seeing a giant iris staring back at her.

But she wonders if any of them came.

Gathering her courage, Stephanie stood up to her feet and slowly walked herself over to the window, being careful of making any noises to alert the giant that is coming here to know she is still inside the house.

Once she had reached the window, Stephanie hesitated at the thought of opening the curtains to look through it, still worried about a giant iris staring back at her through the glass.

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