Paramnesia. |CH4|

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The man grumbled feeling himself slowly wake up, a line of bright light shining through his room. He closed his eyes again before letting out a heavy exhale, he moved his elbows to pull himself up but was stopped by a warm body pressed up against the blanket, he moved his hand warily towards it fully opening his eyes to see Wilbur curled up next to him on top off the blanket. He blinked a few times before slumping back down into his bed, he let his hand rest in Wilburs hair, gently smoothing it out.

The taller male smiled as he felt a hand thumbling with his hair, he was awake, he just didnt want to move. He shivered slightly before nuzzling closer to the man startling him.

"Wil- You're awake, are you okay?", He mumbled not bothering to move his hand from the mans hair. He pulled the blanket over Wilbur letting him press up against his chest. He felt his face heat up remembering he wasn't wearing his jumper.

Wilbur happily moved closer, not caring at all, he nuzzed into the mans chest, his eyes still closed.

Schlatt sighed lifting himself up, a pang of guilt hitting him, this was wrong, he was taking advantage of Wilburs emotions, he moved out of the blanket.

Wilbur whined slightly at the loss of warmth, "Schlatttt.". The man rolled his eyes ignoring him, he pulled on a jumper looking back at Wilbur who was now sat up.

"Wil? What happened, why were you there?", he looked at the male, his eyes moving around the room in a pathetic attempt to dodge the question. Eventually, he gave in and reluctantly answered him, "The pain came back and I couldn't sleep.".

Schlatt looked at him raising a brow, "You could have woken me up, i wouldn't of minded.". Wilburs eyes met the floor, "You-" he stuttered before looking up innocently, "You looked so beautiful, i didn't want to disturb you", his voice cracked and he gave a wonky but gentle smile.

Schlatts face warmed up for the second- or third time that day, he grave a small frown before uttering a confused response, "Beautiful?", he questioned. Wilbur tilted his head getting up slightly, "Was- Was that not the right word?", he blinked twice before facing the ground again.

Schlatt made an inaudible awe before patting the ghosts shoulder softly. Wilbur felt the constant pain disappear in those few seconds of contact, it seemed as if the closer he was to this man, the further the pain would go, and if he were a million miles away, he'd just cease to exist. His heart leaped as his eyes met the smaller mans. "Wilbur- it's fine, it doesn't matter but what do you want to do today?".

He let his eyes drift up in thought before smiling lightly, "Can we go see my brother!". Schlatt gave him a concerned look, he was fed up with Tommy and had no idea if he had any other siblings, "Tommy?" He scowled looking out the window.

Wilbur shook his head spinning Schlatt back around, "You'll have to follow me!", he grabbed the pale mans wrist pulling him out of the house.

They approached a snow biome where a small and humble house rested. They tread towards it, Wilbur still holding tight onto Schlatts wrist.

"Wil- who does this belong too?". Schlatt looked at him waiting for a response, Wilbur shook his head looking at Schlatt carefully, his eyes focused on his face, he seemed.. Lost, in a bad way. He blinked and spoke, his voice becoming even higher than it had been before, it was weird, he normally had a thick and deep British accent but everyday- it came progressively higher pitched.

"Oh, My brother, Technoblade.".

Schlatt stood frozen in place, his eyes wide in shock, the man- that man. He'd used him and didnt expect him to be fond of Wilbur bringing him into his house.

They knocked on the door, The tall half pig answering, he eyed Wilbur before moving to a side letting him in, Schlatt following behind.

"Wilbur? What brings you here?".

Wilbur smiled, "I wanted to come see you!".

Wilbur looked at Schlatt now aware of their past relations, he wasn't gonna tell Techno he'd brought him inside.

Wilbur looked around before smiling, he picked up a potion. "Oh, I love potions!"

"Wilbur-", Techno muttered softly trying to get the ghosts attention, "WILBUR!".

He turned abruptly to face the tall man, his eyes moving to the other male next to him.

He stood, his body swaying at an unnoticeable pace, his mind dazed, he felt clouds forming in his brain, blocking all of his thoughts, he felt himself loose touch with reality. He looked around the room only hearing muffled noises and yells. Voices he recognized, voices he loved and- and- a voice he'd never even heard before?

The room started to spin, colors blending and forming canvases of abstract art. His eyes now white as his mind fell into a void of darkness before rocketing up into complete and utter blackness.

Still conscious, he stumbled backwards, his body falling slowly in his mind, yet in reality he was falling rapidly into the arms of another man. The world went faster than him.

"Blue.". He let out a small voice in attempt to reconnect with the place he was in, "Blue.." He muttered again before softly opening his eyes, syncing in and out of focus. "Y- Yellow? Blue?", he looked at the potion as he fell, "pink.".

He felt himself finally land in someone's arms, the soft fabric of their jacket holding him up, he looked up at the worried eyes facing him, he was pretty, he had dark brown hair and a cozy suit and tie, his eyes were a gentle hazel but his reflection was so pale, almost transparent, he had crimson red ram horns and two tufts of hair coming from the side of his face.

"Who- Who are you?", His words laced with confusion and desperation.


A/N: You probably wondered why Wilbur had his memory haha, well its gone now. It just took a day or so.

Also, this is sloppily written lmao, im sorry, its really late like damn.

Ps. Tankyew for 50 reads

YELLOW || GLATT X GHOSTBUR [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now