Beautiful. |CH3|

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Wilbur fell to the ground grasping on to his guitar tightly, a resurgence of agony pulling him down as if gravity werent a thing. His eyes watered as he stared up at the blue sky. He struggled his way to his feet before stumbling back to Schlatt, a sense of relief settling as his chest stopped screaming at him.

"Will- Wilbur! Wilbur are you okay!?", Schlatt rushed over to the trembling man, his heart instantaneously sinking deep into his pale chest. He held the man in a tight hold, refusing to let go as his silent sobs simmered to an inaudible volume. His sleeve damp and drenched in freed agony.

He waited in a calmed silence before speaking again. "Wilbur- what happened?". The man sniffled and adjusted himself before looking at the smaller man, his eyes a deep and lonesome hazel.

He pressed two fingers to the brim of his nose before pulling away from Schlatt, "Sorry, I didn't- I didn't mean to worry you..". He looked at his feet carefully flattening a piece of grass.

"Don't worry about that Wilbur, what happened?", Schlatt urged looking up at the taller male, his hair hiding his dampened cheeks. His voice squeaked a pitch higher than normal as he spoke, "I just", he cleared his throat letting out a husky cough, "The pain came back when I left.".

"Where did you go?", Schlatt studied the mans features and actions, the way he'd stumble over his words when asked a question or the way he'd slow his voice trying to come up with the right words.

"Nowhere important, I was just- singing, and-" he held up the guitar smiling lightly before strumming a few random notes, he was still able to form a beautiful melody. The man could do anything perfectly and get away with it, well, almost.

Schlatt hummed and pushed Wilbur in the direction of the house he'd built for them, the sun now setting behind it. A bright glimmer of light struck across the fresh ground.

Wilbur creaked the door open before stepping onto the soft carpet, it was just as homely as the dirt shack except it was safer and more enclosed, his face lit up, "You must like yellow quite a bit.", he looked over to the half ram who'd ducked his head in embarrassment. Wilbur blinked twice waiting for a response.

"It's a pretty colour.". He looked at Wilbur, his face a gentle shade of red. Wilbur gaze softened into a friendly smile, "Is that why you gave me your yellow jumper?", he tugged at the bottom of his oversized jumper looking at Schlatt, eyes pure and caring.

He watched as the mans foot twitched, he awaited a response but got nothing. He placed himself on the light blue bed in the corner of the room, a candle lighting the area. He pulled himself under the fluffy blanket letting his eyes drift into a blissful sleep.

Schlatt blew out the candle near Wilburs bed and headed to a smaller room next to his, seperated by a narrow doorway. He felt himself go lightheaded as he pulled off the blue jumper that clinged to his now bare chest.

He slumped under the blankets letting his mind fall empty, a static silence filling the air, every second that passed, he felt himself drift further away from reality.

Wilbur eyes shot open, he grasped onto his chest at an excruciating stregnth, it felt as if a million and one thorns had been jabbed into him at an unearthly pace. His eyes glossed with salty tears, his sobs muffled by the blankets hiding his nimble body.

His mind whizzed on as pain filled his lungs, his heart aching, veins scraping the surface of his skin, he panicked jolting up, awareness seeping through the cracks of his mind.

What made him feel better? What gave him comfort? What took away his pain?.


He pulled his guitar forwards, he thought of what to play whilst his mind subconsciously strummed the strings for him. His eyes shut tight before opening softly, "yellow", his voice was quiet, he didnt want to wake up hus friend. He hummed along to the tune he was playing.

Look at the stars.
Look at how they shine for you.

And everything you do.
Yeah, they were all yellow.

I came along.
I wrote a song for you.

And all the things you do.
And it was called, "yellow".

His hand fell still as he sung the word yellow, the words rolling over his mind up until now. Yellow. Who did it remind him off, the song? His mind was foggy but he still knew almost everyone. Yellow... Schlatt. He felt a bullet of pain pang in his chest.

On instinct, he placed his guitar down and stood up, he walked down the narrow hallway to what he assumed was Schlatts room, his door left ajar. He tilted his head peering into the room. "Yellow.", he whispered looking at the sleeping man. Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you.

He moved away from the room placing his hands on the windowsill, he looked out at the stars. They weren't yellow, but they were beautiful. He turned his head back to the mans room. "Beautiful?". Why did this word come to mind when thinking if the man. Beautiful. Why?

Beautiful, what a word. It baffled the tall man how one word could summarize the most intense quality of an individual. No. What does that mean. He tried to distract his thoughts, he didn't want to have this conversation with himself this late, he was tired and groggy, his mind was playing tricks on him. Stop. Stop. "Stop.", he muttered to hinself leaning his elbows back onto the windowsil.

Turn into something beautiful.

The lyrics played on repeat in his dissy mind. He wanted to say something but his consciousness wouldn't let him. What was it. What was-

He tubrned to look back into the room, Schlatt still sleeping.

"Schlatt.". He paused furrowing his brows, "Schlatt is beautiful?".


Fuck I scuffed the spellings in this, my typos outmatch all.


First A/N: ayoo lets goo. First off, i know this book won't get extremely popular or anything but i wanna thank the few people who read and liked it so far, im honored its been added to some reading lists.

I'll try and update as regularly as possible. I would also like to make a clear point, i make a few typos but when i have the time, ill go fix them.

I like to attempt to keep my writing tip top :)! It's not the best, certainly not on heatwaves level lmao but im trying my best.

Each chapter will be 1000+ words to keep things going so some updates might take a bit longer, i will also take this down if the creators don't agree with their personas being shipped
👉👈. I know Jschlatt is funny about stuff like this so I'll be as respectful as possible, and obviously this isn't the actual people, that's a little weirdchamp ngl.

But I will take request and ect. I can do pretty much anything other than nsfw, I can do small bits of lemon, but nothing too vulgar.

Id appreciate if uh 👉👈, maybe you could drop, y'know- a like or smth. ❤

It'd really help encourage me to write more

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