Podrick nodded and backed toward the doorway. He spun on his heels, his head the last part of him to turn. Jaime noticed how his posture squared as he strode through open frame. He also saw the scowling vengeful look that crossed Pod's face as he threw him a menacing glance over his shoulder. He would certainly find no ally in Podrick Payne, not anymore.

Bran waited until Podrick had left to continue. "Ser Jaime." He greeted. "I am pleased that you are at last returned to health. It has been a long journey for you, I am sure." The King said calmly, almost warmly.

"One for which I fear there may be no purpose." Jaime answered solemnly.

Bran sighed, a discouraged shake of his head hinting at his judgment of the shambles which both Lannister brothers had made of the situation. "Yes, Ser Brienne's reaction to your reappearance is unfortunate." The King acknowledged, as if he knew every detail of what had occurred. "However, I do know what other reception you could have expected under such circumstances." His tone reminded Jaime and Tyrion of the reprimands they used to receive from their own father when they had misbehaved as children. "I am sure I do not need to describe how troubling your actions in this matter have been." He announced.

Jaime acquiesced and hung his head. He was more than willing to accept any punishment Bran might see fit. If only some feat could make him worthy of Brienne. If only some act of contrition could prove his love for her. He was ashamed of himself, for everything he had done.

At his side, Tyrion crossed his arms and stared accusingly at his brother.
"Quite troubling." He stated indignantly, nodding his head in agreement.

"Both your actions, Lord Hand." Bran reiterated. At that, Tyrion dropped his arms to his sides, and stood beside Jaime like a guilty child. "Yes, Your Grace," was his only response this time.

Bran turned a serious frown to Tyrion. "I had hoped that you might have delivered the news of your brother's survival to Ser Brienne with a bit more tact." He chastised. "I am sure you can understand how painful this is for both of them, and how much worse your interpretation of my wishes has made this situation." Bran regarded his Hand with disappointment. Tyrion wanted to crawl away. A sentiment made even more distressing by Jaime's suddenly superior scrutiny. The elder Lannister brother, cleared his throat, enjoying watching Tyrion's embarrassment.

"Ser Jaime." King Bran redirected his censure. "I understand that you merely wished to see your family, but you frightened Ser Brienne to death." He admonished. "Imagine her fear at awakening to a cloaked intruder in her chambers, with his hand reaching into her child's cradle." Bran stated in reproach. 

Jaime's guts twisted at the thought of Brienne's fear. He would never have meant to subject her to such shock. He had been selfish, and she had paid the price, again. Even through his remorse, Jaime wondered at Bran's description of Brienne and Galladon as, 'his family.' He would have given anything to have it be so, and wondered if perhaps Bran saw something he could not.

"I know you are right, Your Grace." Jaime apologized. "I have no defense for what I have done." He said sadly. "It was desperation that clouded my judgment." He admitted, his eyes never leaving the ground.

"You have my sympathy." Bran told him, sincerely. "But I ask you to please be more judicious in your approach to Ser Brienne, at least for the time being." He suggested.

"Yes, Your Grace." Jaime agreed sullenly. "However, she has already made it perfectly clear that she does not wish me anywhere near her, or our child." He lamented.

Bran was quick to consider Jaime's worry, and mitigate his doubts. "The chasm between the two of you now is certainly not what you had hoped." The King agreed. "However, their are always reasons, for everything." He assured the crestfallen knight. Jaime could not help but recall their conversation at Winterfell, and lowered his eyes, a hint of remorse still blanketing his heart for his actions toward the monarch in the past.

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