"It is said sometimes our eyes speak for us," she stood up and walked towards him. "What are you sketching?"

"My hand," he said sincerely and showed her his drawing.

"Practice makes perfect, dearest," she chuckled. "Although, I did not know you had an obsession with your hand."

"It is so far one of the most decent things I have sketched," he said sincerely. "Would you like me to show you the other?"

"Of course," she nodded with excitement.

Charlotte noticed he was sketching in the same sketchbook she got him as a souvenir, from Prussia. And when he stopped flipping the pages, her jaw dropped at the sight of his sketch. It was her. It was a perfect sketch.

"When did you do this?" She wondered.

"The night after Vauxhall," he explained with a small smile. "Do you like it?"

"Oh, Benny. Are you joking? It is perfect!" She chuckled. "I mean, look at it! It so well detailed and you used the shadows very well."

"Thank you, love," he grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Now show me yours."

She flipped her page too, and showed him her sketch. Three books, one on top of the other.

"You certainly have a talent," he smiled, grabbed it from her hands and showed it to Martin. "Does she not, Martin?"

"Yes, sir," he nodded with a small smile. "Very talented indeed."

"Oh, stop it," she chuckled nervously, grabbed his sketchbook and walked to Martin's side. "Look at this! This is amazing."

"It is, sir," Martin looked at the sketch before looking at Benedict. "Your skills are impressive."

"It is not a Leonardo da Vinci, but..." He sighed with a small smile. "It is the best sketch I have ever done so far."

Charlotte chuckled and the door of the room opened, almost hitting her in the process. She looked at the person with wide eyes, and sighed when she saw Anthony.

"Lord Bridgerton," Martin greeted him by bowing his head.

"Hello, Martin. I apologize for barging in like this," he sighed and looked at Charlotte. "And for startling you."

"By the look on your face, I imagine things did not end well in your talk with Colin," she said, and he nodded. "Were you really expecting to talk him out of the engagement?"

"Not only that, but for him to realize his lack of integrity and maturity on the matter. Marrying a girl he barely knows, proposing without consulting it with me first," he stated. "At least Benedict had the decency of mentioning his intention before he actually did it."

"And what if he proposed because he loves her? As I did with Char," Benedict auggested from where he was sitting, and Anthony scoffed. "You know Colin, he is a hopeless romantic."

"Let's not speak of this any longer," he sighed. "The Feathringtons have invited Mother, Colin and I to a dinner, to celebrate their engagement and the 'union of our families'."

"Good luck with that," Benedict chuckled.

"I... Actually, I was hoping Charlotte could accompany me," Anthony said sincerely, and looked at her. "Perhaps to ease my impatience and lack of interest."

"But I was not invited," she lightly frowned. "I mean, I would love to help you, but is it not rude to arrive without an invitation?"

"You are a Princess, you do not need an invitation. And I am quite sure they will not mind. At all," he stated and looked at his brother. "Here's a word you never hear me say: Please?"

[1] The Princess Royal | B. BridgertonΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα