Chapter 2

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Liam’s Pov


 I sighed annoyed. Is there anyone in this hotel that does speak English instead of Italian? Cause I sure as hell do not speak Italian! Maybe French, and a little bit German, but not Italian!

I left my room and walked over to the elevators, waiting for one to come to my floor.  Finally the elevator doors opened, I didn’t expect to see anyone in it but apparently I wasn’t the only one taking the elevator.

I stepped in and stood next to a girl who had a dog with her. I couldn’t help but to stare at this girl. She was kind of small but it made her cute. I was like two heads taller and she would reach just chest high.

She has coils of leaf-brown hair that flows gracefully over her shoulders. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking that this girl sure was beautiful.

“Hi” I spoke up, wanting to start a conversation with this girl and maybe to get to know her, I really do hope she isn’t a freaked fan that will tweet about us being in this hotel and such, but she hasn’t really noticed who I was so I guess there is no problem.

I waited for her to answer me but she didn’t even bother to look up. Okay well that’s strange, is she ignoring me or something? Maybe she’s hater? I don’t know? Or maybe she just doesn’t understand me…

“Errrr, do you speak English?” I asked, but she still didn’t react to my presents. Well is she ignoring me?

I reached my hand out for her and laid it on top of her shoulder. She jumped a little, like she hadn’t known that I was here or something but I decided to ignore that.

“Are you okay?” I asked concerned. And this time her head snapped up into my direction and that’s when her eyes met mine for the first time and it made me literally speechless. Her eyes had a softly vanished blue-grey color, in some way it felt like she was looking right through me instead of looking at me.

Her eyes were breathtaking, but they looked strange and abnormal. I’ve never seen eyes like these.

 “I- errrr, are you talking to me?” she stuttered nervously and I know I shouldn’t but I could help but find it cute when she stuttered like that.

 “Of course, there isn’t anybody else in here” I laughed and I noticed her cheeks turning into a very bright red color.

 “I’m sorry” She apologized sadly and she looked down. I wanted to lift up her chin and tell her there is no reason to be sorry but my mouth had something else in mind to say.

“So you speak English?” I asked and I let out a sigh in relieve since I actually already knew that she spoke English, but I also mentally face palmed myself for asking such a stupid question.

“Obvious” she laughed silently and I couldn’t help but to let out a relieved chuckle as well. I opened my mouth to say something when suddenly the elevator doors opened. The girl and her dog started walking out and away from me but I stopped her by placing my hand on her shoulders once again.

 “Errrr, my name is Liam” I introduced myself and I couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous, scared for a rejection, maybe she didn’t want to be around me. But luckily she turned around and smiled at me.

 “I’m Sophie” she introduced herself as well.

“And this is Sheba.” She said while pointing towards her dog. I bent down to pat Sheba, she didn’t deny my touch and laid down onto the ground, allowing me to pat her stomach.

 “She’s a sweet dog” I stated. She laughed a little. “you’re lucky” she stated. And I frowned confused at her.

“why is that?” I asked confused.

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