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I feel like I always have to put something to the start and end of chapters or else it will feel kind of empty :/

Anyways, this is my first time writing 'x reader' and English isn't my first language, so please try to survive lol
Good luck

P.S I don't have any idea how school shooting works-
it's different in evey country, so I will just go with how it works on my country

-school shooting

'Just how can a normal day, change to an disaster in just seconds?' You though to yourself as you and all of your classmates hid under the tables while your teacher locked the door.


It was like any other day. You had to wake up at 7.00 a.m, wake your little sister up, choose your clothing, eat breakfast and all of those things you had to do in the morning even though you felt too lazy to do any of them. You just wanted to crawl back under your blankets and watch anime the whole day, but you couldn't. It was just Wednesday, and you couldn't afford missing classes for no real reason while the exams were coming up. Plus, just one more slip up and you could be expelled. You really should stop getting into fights, huh? Well it's not like you were trying to look for a fight in the first place....

"Come on already Y/N! We are going to be late because of you if you don't hurry up!!" Your little sister yelled while you quickly ate your sandwitch, grabbed your backpack where you had already put the books for this day and run to the door where your little sister was impatiently waiting for you.

"Finally!" Your little sister complained as you put your shoes on and the both of you left the house, not forgetting to say goodbyes to your parents, of course.

"If we are late AGAIN, i'm totally blaming it on you!" Your little sister whined while you looked at her with an annoyed expression.

"You are the reason we were late last time you dingus!" You yelled at her while slapping the back of her head. She whined again and rubbed the spot you slapped her with her hands.

"You are so meannnn! I'm totally telling mom later on!" Your little sister said while crying crocodile tears. You rolled at her perfomance, picking up your walking speed, full well knowing she'd have hard time keeping up with you.

"Quit whining already you crybaby." You said to her as she was almost jogging to keep up with you, whining all the time of course.

"Finally, I'll get some peace away from your ugly looking ass." You said to your little sister as the two of you arrived at the school building.

"Yeah yeah, at least I don't look like some wannabe e-boy." Your little sister said to you, as you looked at her with hard glare, ready to slap the shit out of her. For her luck, she had already skipped away from you, leaving you to just yell curses at her.


After finally getting to class, the boring day would start. The old male teacher stepped inside the classroom, silencing all the students. And finally the boring biology class would start. Or so you thought....

Just as the teacher was about to greet you all, an accountment from the speakers was heard.

"Attention all students and workers, there's a shooter on the school grounds. Lock the doors and windows, stay calm and remember to follow the protocol. Help is on the way. I repeat-" What followed after that was a gun shot, a yell of pain and silence. And that's when the whole class started to panic. The teacher quickly locked the door and yelled for the students to calm down. Eventually the class calmed down a bit and everyone hid under the desks. Many students were crying and texting their families, and so were you. You quickly got under your desk and took your phone out, texting in the family group chat. What you saw in the group chat however, was something that would change your fate completly......

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