Trying to be perfect <3

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Me and tommy are laying on the couch cuddling and watching a movie, but I wasn't paying attention because I was looking at tommy the whole time because who couldn't he was so perfect and dreamy.

I guess tommy caught me look at him and he looked down at me and smiled "yes" he said in a low soft voice "nothing tommy you just so perfect I can't handle it" I say smiling at him.

After a while the movie ends and I get up and turn off the lights and me and tommy lay down on the couch cuddle and we both drifted off the sleep.

~the next morning~

I wake up and I feel Tommy's arms wrap around my waist, I try to get out of his grip but he holding me to tight. "Tommy let me go I have to do some things" I say in a low morning voice.

He finally lefts me go and I go into the restroom and brush my teeth and got ready when I was done I walked into my parents room it still smelt like them I lay my head down on there pillows and close my eyes don't trying to cry.

Then not that long after tommy came in and said " y/n I know you miss them but you need to let them go" which he was right I got off there bed and hug him not crying this is the first time I haven't cried in the morning ever since my parents died.

Tommy's gets ready and he's on the phone with someone I hear him talking to someone in my room and walk in and a minute later he says bye and hangs up the phone.

"Y/n I'm going to see my friends in Florida and I want you to come with me because they wanna meet you too" he says walking up to me hugging me "I would love to meet your friends" I say in a soft voice because I was also nervous.

"We are leaving in 3 days" Tommy says in a happy tone smiling at me.

After a while I think I should pack and most of my clothes are dirty so I do laundry kinda happy to meet Tommy's friends and to get out of this town for once.

I knew tommy wanted this trip to be perfect for us because we are building are strong relationship again which made me happy

They guys I know this one is short 🙄. But the next one I hope is long lol. Anyway love y'all byeee ❤️🦋

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