Getting tired

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~ 2 week time skip~

Its been 2 weeks since my parents died and I been laying in Tommy's bed every since I don't leave only to get into the shower and use the restroom and tommy seems to be getting tired of me he doesn't lay next to me anymore or say "I love you" which I missed and today I decided to go home and not tell anyone because I don't know I feel like me and Tommy have been spending so much time together that maybe he wants to break up and stuff which I can't lose him right now.

I get up and pick up my stuff and Put in my bag as I'm putting stuff into my bag I hear tommy say "you finally getting up and doing stuff" he said happy I just ignored him and kept packing my stuff then he said "Y/n what are you doing"? He said concerned and confused "tommy I'm going home it's been two weeks and I think I just wanna be alone now" I say trying not to cry "y/n I know it's been hard" I cut just off "no tommy you don't understand how hard it is you haven't even been there for me I'm lone in this" I say getting mad raising my voice a little "then bye y/n" he says slamming his door and walking out of his room in a bad room.

I wanted to cry but I DIDNT was going to let it all out at home I told myself as I hurry up and pack my stuff.

~time skip~

After I was done packing I don't say bye to anyone and left I get into my house unlock the door and get in so fast and drop my bag lock the door and run up to my room and cry I cry for so long I lost track of time and forgot my phone was in my bag I get up and see my eye red and walk by the door get my phone and see 20 missed calls from "tommy 😋💕" and 30 text too I look and I was added to this group chat with Tommy's friends dream, George, sapnap, tubbo, and the rest of them but dream texted me privately he said "hey y/n I know you don't know me that well but I'm here for you and that you can call or text me anytime" I smiled at his text and texted back saying "thank you dream of course I will and thank you for checking up on me"

After a while i look out tommy window and I can see into Tommy's room and see his on FaceTime with someone it looks like a girl and it's not niki I started to cry and then tommy saw me and saw that I was crying and that I found out he was talking to some random girl.

I close my blinds so he wouldn't see into my room and he starts to call me so much that I turned my phone off.

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