Chapter 1

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A Date With Envy-tan

Waking up in the darkness of this garden has always been his least favorite part of the day. Smelling the disgusting scent that's been covering him since the moment he stepped into this world was something he loathed. Opening his eyes to the black empty space around him was so very nauseating and frightening. The feeling of loneliness as he floated uselessly around the void was so very infuriating. He hated it. He hated this place. He hated his life in this place. His life didn't mean anything in the void, floating uselessly in the darkness with a stench that had been the cause of hurting him so many times. He was empty. He was empty. He was empty. Useless.

Can't help himself or anyone else in such a twisted place.

Can't do anything but breathe in the moist heavy air of the dark tomb.

Can't see anything except for endless black.

Can't scream or talk....

So the fear and loneliness began sitting into his mind once again.

Like always, since he began visiting this void, he stayed floating for the longest time in the endless dark.

Months, years, eons. It didn't matter how much time he spent in here, he was never going to get out.

Every time he manages to get out, something brings him back here.

That thing forces him to stay there... floating uselessly...

Subaru Natsuki, the black-haired knight that had died time and time again to save his beloved lady and his friends, a boy so useless yet so influential, a brave hero that saved so many people.... Started crying as he lost himself in the void once again.

The fear began sitting in once more. The horror of no one hearing his voice forced its way into his mind.

"Well someone....hear my voice again?" The boy sobbed brokenly as his torture continued in the black emptiness.

"I... I want someone to hear me...." He sobbed once more while holding his head in his palms.

"Someone... please... please acknowledge me... " Subaru cried his heart out while his tears fell down his cheeks and floated into the void.

So alone. So hateful. So disgusting. So gross. So revolting. So useless. So broken. So angry. So repulsive. So unneeded. So demented. So jealous. So greedy. So unwanted. So horrible. So ugly. So bad. So small. So arrogant.

"I'm sorry....GHK! I'm so SORRY! PLEASE! I'M SO SORRY!" As his mind shouted his describing features, Subaru's weak self couldn't take the hurtful words and how true they were.

He couldn't take anymore of this place. He needed to get out of here. He needed to getaway.

So... he did what he always did when he was punished in this void.

He begged for the forgiveness of his warden.

The one who placed him in here;

"I'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorryI'msosorry PLEASE FORGIVE ME! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

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