Chapter 4 War Time part 2: So far so good

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The war was about to begin. Mario (still as Fire  Mario) started off by jumping on one of the YouTube monsters and riding it in the sky to shoot many fireballs burning more YouTube monsters. Then he ground pounded the one he was on onto the ground. Bowser threw his 8 children at one monster each knocking each one out.

Bowser: Good job kids.👍

Peach was chasing about 10 with a frying pan because they were scared of her (mainly because of her look). Slenderman continuously punched one by one in the stomach. X was having a fun time shooting bullets while screaming-


FM was struggling though. Four of the monsters was beating him up badly.

Starman: (seeing FM getting hurt) FM!

Before the monsters gave him a final blow, Starman shot a starball at each, knocking them down.

FM: (while getting up) Thanks bro.

Starman: No problem.

Mario and Bowser met up and agreed on something. Mario grabbed his tail, swung him around (just like in Super Mario 64) and tossed him at a group of YouTube monsters, but before he hit them, he hid in his shell.

Mario: 👍 Nice.

Peach was about to hit one with her frying pan, but it broke when she accidentally hit the ground. She was surrounded, but came with an idea and threw a piece of toast at one of the YouTube monsters.

YM(YouTube monster): U serious?

The flying shy guy who loves toast then start running into him.


He then knocked him out. Peach threw more toast at the other monsters and then flying shy guy knocked them out too. He was then taking a break and started eating his toast. The teletubbies were having their own war with a random group of YouTube monsters. The teletubbies were losing though for most of their members were dead. However, Nathaniel Bandy, who was also called into the war, ran up to the head Teletubby.

Bandy: You guys need some help.

Head Teletubby shook his head up and down.

Bandy whistled for Beeg John and he came quickly.

Bandy: Beeg John, call the waifus!

Beeg John threw a device on the ground that teleported the waifus, from his waifu factory, into the battlefield.

Bandy: Attack as many as you can.

They took out their weapons and started attacking the monsters. This was a major advantage for the Teletubbies. Sooner then, the Teletubbies and the waifus won.

Head Teletubby: DEAFETED NOW, BITCH?!

Jeevus, on the other hand, was trying to negotiate a few YouTube monsters.

Jeevus: (taking out a tray of food) Why fight when we discuss the matter over some food? Anyone care for some barbecue steaks with some fries?

The monster in the front slapped the food out of his hand.

Jeevus: Oh, you don't like that? (Taking out another tray of food) How about some chicken noodle soup? It has 50% less fat.

The YouTube monster slapped that out of his hand too.

Jeevus: Okay, so you don't feel like any food right now, huh? (Taking out a drink) Would you be interested in my newest mango smoothie with whip cream at the top?

The monster then took the drink from him and looked at it.

Jeevus: See? I knew you'd like something of mi-

While he was talking, the monster threw the drink at Jeevus, messing up his clothes. He looked at his outfit slowly and looked back at the monster.

Jeevus: (angrily, but softly) How... dare... you?

YM: I don't, give a, fu-

Jeevus quickly grabbed his hand and then lifted him up with all his strength.


Jeevus threw the monster at the other set who was behind him before. Jeevus then recognized the set behind HIM. He quickly dodged their attacks then picked up the monster in the front and threw him at the others. He was now going crazy and started attacking others wildly.
Mario ran into Yoshi too.

Yoshi: Hey Mario, want a ride.

Mario just stared at him angrily.

Yoshi: (sigh) Fine, I'll call you it. Hey Sexy Messy Thigh Man, want a ride?

Mario: (happily) Heck yeah!

Mario jumped on Yoshi's back and he started eating everything that Mario pointed at (which were only the YouTube monsters). Mario was upset to see that Yoshi couldn't eat anymore for a while.

Mario: Mamaf**ker!

He jumped of and continued fighting. Steve was surrounded by another group of YouTube monsters, so he took out his crafting table and placed it on the ground, then crafted a megaphone with a stick, three irons and a microphone in the middle (not a real recipe in MineCraft). He then picked it up and started doing his help call in it.


That did nothing to the monsters, but it did call some of his friends. Can you guess who they are?

(Okay, just guess first, then check.)

That's right

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That's right. Chickens. They started flying everywhere and knocked out every monster surrounding him.

Steve: (while picking up a chicken and started tickling it) Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?

Sans and Papyrus were also there. Sans was distracting most of the YouTube monsters by dodging, knowing how good he dodges, while Papyrus attacks them with his gaster blasters.

Sans: Wow! Guess you really do have a bad bone in you.

Papyrus: (angrily) ENOUGH with the puns, Sans!!!

Smg3 was watching ALL of this happening in shock.

Smg3: Okay, so they may be doing alright so far, but they DEFINITELY won't survive what I have up my sleeve soon. But for now, I'll let them have their moment while I regain to 100% power again.

To be continued...

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