Chapter 30: Was This A Mistake?

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"Loki killed you over and over again, and you find that funny?" Mary incredulously asked.

"Yes, in retrospect it is," Dean replied with a shrug. "Mary, you don't know Loki as I might seem strange,'s just his way of caring. Loki just wanted Sam to realise that he would lose me eventually."

"By hurting you and consequently also Sam over and over again? Yes, that is a strange way of caring."

Dean sighed. "Mary, just trust me that Loki isn't the bad guy in all this. I mean yes, he isn't a saint, but up until now, I've never known anyone who didn't deserve what Loki did.

"What he did to was harmless in comparison to what he really is capable of," Dean threw his arms into the air in frustration. "Let me continue, and maybe you'll see things as I do."

Mary looked at him for a long moment before she slowly nodded, not entirely convinced.

"It was the day after the Christmas holidays that everything changed and I mean for the better. Sam and I did a small pit stop in Malibu when we met him for the first time."


"Harry Potter. At that time, we had no idea who he was. Sam and I left a shop when I became aware that something or better said someone turned my car all pink and girly. That was when I spotted Loki and well at that time, we were on less than friendly terms with the pagan god, mainly because of the time loop thing," Dean once again snickered.

"But when I confronted him, we learned that he was with this boy who was the real culprit behind the sudden transformation of my car. Loki, on the other hand, vanished hell knows where and left the boy behind."

"What?" Mary exclaimed. "He just left the boy behind?"

"Yes he did, though it was the best thing he could have done, trust me," Dean told her. "Sam didn't want to leave the boy to himself, and so we offered him to drive him where he wants to.

"When we learned that he was on holidays and that he would spend them alone now that we scared Loki away, we decided to accompany him. Later on, we learned that Loki didn't really leave and made sure that Harry was in good hands, namely ours.

"To say that that was an enlightening time would be an understatement. Within the next four hours and the days afterwards, we learned more than in all the years before. The fact that Sam was a natural wizard, the existence of the Rabbit hole and that's only the tip of an enormous iceberg.

"We also learned a lot about ourselves and that both Heaven and Hell have plans for us, especially concerning the breaking of the first seal on Lucifer's cage."

"WHAT?" Mary shouted. "You can not be serious!"

"I am serious," Dean replied, looking her straight into the eyes. "You see when Loki turned up again, later on, we learned that it's inevitable and that the seals will fall no matter what."

"And you believed him?" Mary was shocked beyond belief.

"I did, and I do. When Sam tried to get me out of the contract, nothing worked, and I mean absolutely nothing. After a long talk about it, we then decided that if it was inevitable that the seals would fall, they would fall to our own conditions. When we learned a certain thing about Harry's guardians...let's just say that it made the decision all that easier. I went to hell quite willingly."

"They abused him?" It seemed to Mary that the shock and surprise didn't want to end, how could someone...anyone abuse a child? Not that she doubted it for one moment; Dean didn't peg her as someone who would go to hell willingly for anything less. "And that's why and how you became a demon."

The New Marauders and the Trickster GodHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin