09| down the rec

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After making her way back home, Elle had the house to herself for the meantime, with her brother still at rugby and her father still working down at the new factory depot in town that had not long opened up. Although it meant she got to see her father less, it was much better than having to witness him drinking his life away which was a worsening habit after the revelation that his wife and mother to his kids had been having an affair and ultimately left him for another man.

Getting changed into her best clothes, more for going to Leeds tonight with her two best friends rather than to try and impress Riz. Adjusting her hair and make, then putting on her shoes, Elle was already to go to make her way down to the rec.

Arriving at the rec, Elle was met by a surprising face, Chloe Voyle. The girls were familiar with and fond of each other with only being a year apart, although they had never really talked that much. The daughter of Miss Keane looked just as surprised to see Elle, with the pair of girl's dressed up to the nines.

"What you doing here, dressed up all like that for a place like this?" Elle queried, with the two girls leaning against the railings.

"I'm meeting Cory." Chloe said all giddy, with a wide grin. "Not that you mind, right? Aren't you here for Riz?"

"Do what you like with Cory, he were never mine." The blonde shrugged before realising the rest of what Chloe had just said. "How do you know I'm meeting Riz?"

"Didn't you know? Cory said something about us tagging along with you two, like a double date." The brunette carried on, making Elle's face drop. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah it's all good." Elle forced a smile to her. "Something obviously just got lost in translation." She said, with the two boys now approaching them.

"Before you say anything, he tagged along and brought London with him. There weren't much I could do." Riz kept his voice down, as he stopped in front of the smaller, blonde girl.

"Just found that out, she thinks he dead fancies her." Elle frowned at Riz. "The poor girl, she'll be left heartbroken." She looked over at a head over heels Chloe and Cory who looked as if he wanted to say something.

"Don't mind us tagging along do you, lovebirds?" Cory cockily smirked, placing an arm around Chloe. "As the saying goes, the more the merrier, eh?"

𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞Where stories live. Discover now