Chapter Thirty Six.

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"Neville, you'll see me after this class I promise!"

Neville was tugging on Sofia's arm, trying his best to not come to terms with the feeling of letting her go.

"But—my class is like a whole hour! That's so long!" he argued back with her, making her laugh.

"It's not! Now go to class!" she cackled, shoving his shoulder.

He sighed and finally let go of the girl's arm, feeling defeated. "Fine. I'll go. But, promise you'll meet me right here when I'm done..."

Sofia of course couldn't say no due to the puppy dog look on his face. He was so adorable, Sofia was mesmerized.

"I promise, Longbottom. Now go!"

Neville then scurried off, another sigh leaving his body as he walked.

Sofia and Neville had been right beside each other ever since he had gotten back from the short holiday. They would go to every class together, all meals, and even hang out after the day was over.

Lily had noticed this, and began to become even more angrier. She didn't understand how Neville could find his way back in to Sofia's social life, and she couldn't. Was Sofia really that angry with her? Was Sofia doing this all just to spite Lily? No. Sofia wasn't that type of person.

Sofia walked inside the Great Hall for study hall, a class she wasn't even required to go to but would most of the time.

As she skimmed the hall to find a seat, she saw Hermione sitting with her nose deep inside of a book.

Sofia felt like it might be a good time to talk to Hermione. It was either now or never.

She slowly walked over to Hermione, afraid that she might have a bad reaction to Sofia's presence.

"Hermione?" Sofia called out, and Hermione looked over at her.

Hermione was confused. Her and Sofia hadn't spoke to each other in weeks, not by her choice of course.

"Oh—hello, Sofia..." Hermione greeted her awkwardly, still not understanding why Sofia was taking a seat next to her.

"Can we talk? Only if you're not busy..."

Hermione sighed and looked down at her book.

She knew what the conversation was going to be about, and she really didn't feel like having it. Hermione had moved on from the whole situation. Things were different now. She doesn't want old feelings to arise to the surface and ruin her definition of normalcy.


Sofia sent Hermione a small smile as the girl closer her book.

"Um—I know what happened last year... Ginny told me about it."

There it was.

"You would've found out one day. Whether it was from one of us or just some other random student who loves to have their noses dug in other people's business!"

Hermione was starting to get flashbacks from all of the students whispering her name in the hallways, laughing at her. It made her feel ashamed.

"Yes, I suppose... But, I just wanted to say that—I don't know... I'm sorry. That was a really fucked up thing that Lily did to you... Bransen as well."

Why was Sofia apologizing?

"Why are you even apologizing, Sofia? It happened last year. I'm over the whole thing now."

Sofia noticed a glimmer in Hermione's eye, she knew she was lying.

"Well... I don't know. I just feel bad. I mean, if I would've known everything, I wouldn't have even considered going on a date with Bransen. I hope you know that."

"I know, Sofia. I know there wasn't any bad intentions behind it. You were just... new. You didn't really know anyone too well, you just accepted a date request with a generically attractive boy. That's all."

Sofia rolled her eyes, and they both laughed at Hermione's comment about Bransen.

Sofia's laughter quickly died out when she thought of something,

"You and Lily won't ever go back to the way you were before, huh? I can understand why... I just—it makes me feel terrible."

Hermione sighed once again, and grabbed Sofia's hand.

"Look... sometimes we make friends, and we lose them. Lily isn't the worst person on Earth, she just— she had a lot of deeply buried insecurities that she needs to sort out. Trust me, I would know..."

Sofia nodded at Hermione's response,

"So... are we good?" Sofia asked the girl sitting next to her, and she laughed.

"Never on any other terms but good, Sof."

The two hugged things out, and Hermione offered to help Sofia study. Of course Sofia accepted.

Hermione was so brilliant it threatened Sofia. She always knew everything, and she seemed to be able to complete the impossible.

It was probably why Sofia loved Hermione so much. And that she wished she didn't have to endure the things she went through the year before.

"So... how are things with you and Longbottom?" Hermione smirked as they took down notes from a book. Sofia giggled, and her cheeks turned red.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Granger..."

"Oh, that's rubbish! You guys have been around each other non stop ever since we got back to Hogwarts! Plus, he didn't shut up about you on the way back. He kept on talking about how excited he was to see you. Which, I was very confused honestly, considering I didn't know that you two made up. But, I should've expected it."

Sofia smiled at the thought of Neville talking about her with a goofy grin on his face.

"Plus... haven't you two kissed? Correct me if I'm incorrect but, two people don't usually snog if they don't like each other!"

Sofia thought for a moment,

Should she tell Hermione what happened?

No. No way. That was too personal. Everything that happened between Neville and Sofia the day everyone left was strictly staying between the both of them.

"It's nothing to concern yourself with, Granger." Sofia smirked.

Hermione scoffed,

"Well, fine! I won't bother to ask anymore!"

SOFIA | ❨ NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM ❩ UNDER MAJOR EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now