Chapter 37: Champions

Start from the beginning

"Maybe you're imagining things, wouldn't be the first time" Harry said

"You're probably just practicing for your next interview" Ron said

Then he went upstairs.

"How could he be so thick?" Allison and i said

"I'll go to bed now guys, byeee" Allison said we waved our hands

Me and Harry sat in the couch, he wrapped his hands around me, i laid my head in his chest.

"We'll get through this together love" i said

"Yeah, I'm not looking forward to it at all" he said

"I know bub" i said then i kissed him

Our kiss turned into a make out session.

Well the tension between Ron and Harry became awkward, Ron has been avoiding us, probably because we believe Harry, which i think is so immature as hell, Ron hasn't talk to Harry at all.

Vanya, me, Harry, and Neville are now at the lake. Neville's teaching us different plants, i giggled at how cute he is.

"Amazing. Completely amazing" Neville mumbled

"You're doing it again Nev" Vanya and i said

Then he said sorry we said it's alright. And it's adorable when he do it

Harry's reading a book Neville gave him.

"Magical water plants of the Highland Lochs?" Harry asked

Neville nodded and spoke

"Yeah Moody gave it to me. That day we had tea" I sighed hearing that Moody name

Harry hummed and went through the pages, then i saw Neville waving to someone, I looked up and saw Ron. He's with Ginny and Hermoine

"Here we go" Vanya an i muttered

Harry's attention was caught because of the whisperings. So he stood up. We went with Harry to see what Ron have to say.

I rolled my eyes because Hermoine was the one who's talking.

"Well you can tell Ron-" Harry said

"I'm not an owl!" Hermoine cut him

Vanya and i rolled our eyes. This is going to be a long year.

Harry dragged me along with him to meet Hagrid. I brought Cora with me. We held hands as we walked to Hagrid.

"Did you bring your father's cloak like i asked you?" Hagrid asked

Harry nodded and we put the cloak over us, I let Cora walk by herself.

"Hagrid, where are we going?" Harry asked

"You'll see soon enough. Pay attention this is important." Hagrid said

Y/N Hargreeves: A Harry Potter x Umbrella Academy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now