Chapter Three : Where Am I?

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" head hurts......" Y/n muttered under her breath. She dared not to make sudden movements, afraid that she'd injured herself and sudden movements would cause severe bleeding.

'Where's Amelia.....?' she thought, remembering her friend that she'd pushed with all of her strength out of the way of the car.
'She must be safe....she's not injured badly, that's for sure.' she reassured herself, and focused back on finding her way back to.....

....where am I?'

She looked around, careful not to break or twist anything. As far as she can see, the view around her has changed. She WAS somewhere else. Before, the landscape was that of a city, with busy roads and buildings stretched across the horizon.

But now....

She was kind of spooked by her surrounding. She'd fallen from the road above, that seemed to be on a higher level, and she's now in a small forest by the road. The trees around her were dense, and the usual smell of nature stung her nose. She looked up in hope of somebody passing by whom she can call out to for help.

She thought she saw some figures passing by, and she called out as loud as she could, just to realize that her throat was sore.

"Hey, Akaashi?"
"I think I heard somebody calling for help...."
"Are you sure, Bokuto-san?"

A guy with a weird hairstyle crouched and looked down at the forest below.

Y/n saw him and waved, since he can't see very clearly considering that the sunlight doesn't penetrate the forest much, and he can't make out anything from the darkness that lurked below.

Y/n pov
I waved at him and called out to him, and when he saw me, his golden eyes widened and he said, "AKAASHIIII!! THERE'S A GIRL DOWN THERE!!"

"Huh? Bokuto-san, be careful!" The Akaashi guy said, his voice full of concern.

However, the guy with spiky gray-blackish hair seemed not to hear him and slid down the steep slope that separates the forest and the road.

"Hey, are you okay?" He said.
"Uhhh....I'm not sure....wait, let me try standing up- WOAH-" I tried standing up but my legs gave away. I fell backwards with a small thud and I  rubbed my back.
"Are you okay? Do you want me to carry you?" He said, obviously ignoring the boundaries between a girl and a boy.

I blushed and he realized what he said, but rather than apologizing, he crouched down to my level and insisted, "Let me carry you. Come on." and with that, he turned his back to me, offering it as my ride.

"Goodbye, dignity." I said softly while carefully positioning myself on his back and he asked, "Hmm? What's that?"

I just shook my head in response.

" are we supposed to go up again?" I asked, concerned by the steepness of the slope. The worst case scenario, we both would fall down and then break our legs. Or, in this specific situation, Bokuto's.

"Ahh...don't worry...there's another way up, not far from here. Akaashi, wait for me on the other side, will you?"

The black-haired boy seems unsettled and seems to pity me because of Bokuto's lack of mannerisms. Seeing that Bokuto keeps on insisting to carry me, he sighed and said, "Just be safe, okay? You two."

I was touched. No strangers had ever cared for me before. I smiled at him and gave him an 'okay' hand sign. He nods and proceeds to wait for us at this exit route that Bokuto mentioned earlier.

"Are you comfortable sitting like that?" He asked in genuine concern, turning his head to me.

"Uh? Me? Y-yeahh..." I answered awkwardly and avoided eye contact with him.

"Okay, then let's GOOOO!!!" he said excitedly.

I sighed. How can anybody be enthusiastic in these kinds of situation?

'I need his energy to carry on with life at this point.' I thought with a wan smile.

I don't think I expressed the situation accurately.....but I tried my best huhuhu.

Still hoping you're enjoying the story!

As usual, votes and shares are appreciated thank youuuuu <3!!!

(Also, I've realized that I haven't interacted much with you all, so I highly recommend you all to comment, thank you^^)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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