Chapter Two : Pitch Black

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Amelia pov
"OMG CAN YOU RUN FASTER??" I said, half shouting.

Y/n huffed and panted. She tried her best to keep up but her stamina is too low.

"I told you, you should've joined PE class...." I said, teasing her while panting.

"You're THE ONE AT FAULT HERE MISS GIRL-" Y/n whisper-shouted crossly while gasping for air, still running. Of course, I was the one who took off running first, but if she'd joined PE class, she'd be much more faster in running.

Suddenly, a car approached us at full speed and it seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. I was careless. I should've noticed the car approaching me, but I was preoccupied with teasing a flustered y/n. I just kept running, in the way of the car. And when I snapped my head around due to the loud horn from the car, it was too late.

"AMELIAAAAA-" Y/n screamed at the top of her lungs and pushed me out of the way.

I fell, and got injured lightly, while it was the other way around for y/n.

The horn of the car was the sound that's going to haunt me forever.

The harmonious atmosphere around us before dissipated and shattered into a million pieces as I saw the sight that not even a single person in this world is ready for. It turned into a hectic one, with people surrounding me, muttering a foreign language, while I stared on at the scene in disbelief. I was frozen in place and I can't move. After what felt like an eternity, I reached my phone with shaking hands and mustered the courage to dial Zoe's  number, and it took ages for me to do so, as the scene keeps replaying inside my head non-stop.

"Work....please work...." I whispered, staring at my shaking hands in fear.
Dark dots appeared at the corner of my sight, and I can't see anything that's going on around me, the passers-bys' voices are muffled to my hearing and a shrill ring was heard inside my head. I tried to shake it all off, but I can't.

The air around me felt thin and I tried to breathe but my chest felt heavy. I put my phone aside and rubbed my chest, trying to ease the heaviness. Even so, it wouldn't cease. My vision was swaying, and I nearly passed out.

Then I felt a tug at my sleeves.

I looked to my side and saw the young girl from earlier, at the playground. She was crouching down next to me, a bit low from my eye level.

I motioned for her to take my phone with clammy hands.

"Can......can me.....?"

A pair of shiny black eyes gazed at me softly, and she nodded.

She took the phone and looked puzzled, not knowing what to do, and she looked back at me.

"Here...." I said and clicked on an application with the label 'Contacts'. I proceeded to click on a contact with the name 'Zoe' labeled on it.

She looked at me again with confusion clouding her eyes.

I chuckled.

"Sorry, but can you talk in English for a bit? Please tell her that my friend-" I pointed at the ambulance that was leaving, "-is at the hospital?"

She nodded slowly and placed my phone near her ear, lightly brushing against her long silky hair.

"Ah, Amelia! Where were you??" The concerned voice of my dearest senior, Zoe was heard.

Zoe was surprised to hear the little girl's voice, but she listened to her explanation patiently.

"I'll wait at the hospital. Along with the teachers, okay? Tell Amelia that. Thank you! And your name?"

"Lizzy." She said softly.

No wonder she was fluent in English.

"Thank you, kiddo." I patted her head and smiled at her.

Strangely, the spell had been lifted. It all seemed brighter when Lizzy appeared and helped me.

Lizzy's parents came and they asked if I needed a ride to the hospital. I thanked them and I graciously accepted the offer.

During the ride, all I can think of is all  the times where I was mean to y/n, and if I was too late to say hello or even farewell to her....

"Y/n......" Tears started brimming from my eyes and slowly travelled across my cheeks. I cried silently along the ride to the hospital, hoping that she would be safe. Lizzy comforted me by patting my back and offering me tissue every now and then.

If only you warned me first. You're always like that. Willing to risk everything for the sake of your friends.

Even your life.

Why are you too kind?

You shouldn't have met me. Or Zoe. Or anyone else that you've met here.

You should've gone to another school.

You should've met other people that can take better care of you than us.

You should've stayed there and never stepped to our school.

You should've went to another place instead of Tokyo.

You should've......

There's nothing to do now. Just hang in there, okay? Don't you dare ascend or some trash. Stay strong.

OMG YOU'RE STILL READING!! Thank you so much!!! <33

Nothing much to say, hopefully you're still enjoying it! And sorry, our fine man is taking a bit long to make a grand entrance in this fanfic. 😩✋

Please stick with me throughout this entire series!

Votes and shares are appreciated thank youuuuu! (again) <3

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