Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

"No, I do that on Tuesday's today is Friday."

"Lucky me, so what can I do for you and be quick because I have class."

"I came to return this to you," she handed me the jogger I lent her the other day at my house.

"And the hoodie?"

Hayley scrunched her nose, "Yeah, you're not getting that one back."

"Come on that's one of my favorites," I complained making the cheerleader laugh.

"Have a nice class Valentine." Hayley said as she retreated to what I guess was the showers.

"Bitch," I muttered.

"I heard that!"

"That was the point!" It really wasn't.

I guess she doesn't hates me hates me anymore... again.


To say I was nervous about tonight was an understatement. I had a lot planned out - well not a lot but the things I have could turn out wrong and I really hope they don't because I want tonight for me and for Kaden to be perfect.

I got out my phone as I heard that I got a text.


Don't pussy out lol

Shut up Jason

I'm texting not talking

You're not funny

Someone is cranky

I hate you

Jason knows what I have planned for tonight so he's been teasing me all day about it like the shitty friend he is.

I looked at the hour and hurried up to make sure everything was settled and perfect for dinner. I bought us Kaden's favorite food since I didn't think mac and cheese would cut it for us, it would be not very romantic.

As I finished making sure I had everything ready my rang again but this time it was a call instead of a text. I sighed and got it out of my jean's pocket to see that the person calling was no other than my mom.

Probably to check if I hadn't blown up the house.

"No, mom I haven't burn down the house. I just burnt the kitchen the rest is fine," I said once I answered.

"Morgan I do not find your jokes funny."

"Who say I was joking?"



I heard her sigh from the other side of the phone. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing much just ordered pizza and I'll play video games in my room." I partly lied.

My mom hummed in approval, "Well I'll check on you again in the morning. Your dad and I are trusting you here Morgan."

"Don't worry mom, I won't burn down the house for real," I assured her.

"You better not young lady. Also your dad says that he loves you and good night sweetie." My mom said non-threatening anymore making me smile.

"I love you two too, goodnight." With that we hang up and just in time the door bell rang and I knew exactly who that was.

"Are you really knocking to enter my house?" I said as I opened the front door.

"I didn't knock I rang the bell." Kaden said matter-of-fact before entering my house.

I chuckled and closed the door - I followed her and grabbed her by the waist turning her around. "Are you still angry at me?"

"No," she lied.

"Bullshit," I responded making her roll her eyes. "Again, I'm really sorry Kade and I'm going to make it up to you tonight."

"You will?" She raised a perfect brow with a smile of amusement on her face.

"I will," I pecked her lips and grabbed her hand - guiding her to where our dinner for tonight was. "So I got us your favorite for dinner, Thai food."

Kaden smiled, "Nice start, babe."

I pulled out one of the chairs of the dinning table for Kaden to sit and pulled it in when she did - I then went to my seat. "Let's dig in before it gets cold," I said and she happily agreed.

After we finished dinner we moved to the livingroom to watch some of Kade's favorite movies - our taste was pretty similar so I didn't really complain with her choices. Half way through the second movie I turned to her and spoke.


Kaden looked away from the screen and to me, "Hey."

I bit my lip, "Am I forgiven yet?"

She sighed, "I was never that mad at you to begin with, I exaggerated."

"No, no Kade, you didn't. I promised you that I would be only a call away if you needed me and I failed you on that. I'm sorry."

"I know you are Morg, now stop apologizing okay? I'm over it I mean it." I searched in her blue eyes to see if she was telling the truth and I was relieved to see that she was.

"Do you want to talk about what went down with your mom that day?" I asked her.

"Not really, maybe another time," she cupped my jaw and brushed her thumb over the corner of my lips.

"Okay," I whispered before she pulled me in for a kiss. It felt like it had been forever since we kissed and I honestly  missed it badly.

I made a mental note to avoid making Kade mad at me.

We were making out for a while when Kaden straddled me and deepened the kiss. I was started to get turned on as we've never gotten this far up before. I decided to be - for the first time - kind of bold and slip a hand under her shirt while I left kisses along her neck.

Out of nowhere Kaden pulled back startling me. "A-are you okay? Did I do something?" I was worried that I had made her uncomfortable or overstepped.

Kaden stood up and pulled me up from the couch as well. I was confused. "You didn't babe, just follow me," she assured me.

I eagerly nodded as I arranged my glasses on the bridge of my nose.

Part of me knows where this is going and it makes me feel excited and terrified at the same time.

When we got to my room I closed the door and turned to Kaden who was right in front of me. I gathered some courage - grabbed her face and brought her down to a kiss.

I could feel Kaden's smile against my lips as we walked backwards to my bed and soon we fell in it - me with Kaden on top. She broke down the kiss and the two of us were panting from lack of air.

"We don't have to do this if you don't feel like you're ready Morg. We can just chill up here for the rest of the night, I don't mind." The care and genuine worry in Kaden's made my heart melt.

"No," I said without hesitation. "I want this Kade, I'm ready and I want to do this with you."

"Are you sure? There's no hurry." Kaden moved a strand of hair away from my face.

"I'm sure. I just... I'm a virgin and I-I don't want to screw it up because I'm not sure of what I'm doing and-" Kaden stopped me from ranting.

"You won't screw it up Morg. Do you trust me?" She asked me and I nodded in response. "Words Morgan."

"I do."

"Good." Kaden smiled before kissing me and pushing me back onto the bed and helped me get rid of my shirt - I then helped her get off her's until we were both bare naked.

That night I lost my virginity to someone I love and I can say that it was one of the best decisions I've made in my life so far.


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