Episode 3 - The Turkish Diplomat

Start from the beginning

'Hello, cousin Matthew,' Emma said, smiling brightly at her cousin.

'Oh,' Edith said, startled and she put on her charming smile.

Matthew tipped his hat and got off his bicycle, 'Hello. I'd offer you a lift if I could.'

'It was you, I was coming to see,' Edith said breathlessly.

'Oh, then, your timing is matchless,' Matthew said courteously.

'How come?' Emma inquired.

'I just got off the train,' he explained and Emma nodded.

'The other day at dinner, Cousin Isobel was saying you wanted to see some of the local churches.'

Matthew agreed and said, 'She's right. I do,' he caught Emma's expression and said, 'I want to know more about the county generally if I'm to live here.'

'So you had decided to stay here?' Emma asked with interest.

'Maybe,' he said, 'Although I am still keen on exploring the village.'

'We could take a picnic and make an outing of it,' Edith said eagerly. 'Or I could show you a few churches near to the house.'

'That's very kind,' Matthew said courteously.

'Nonsense,' Edith waved off, 'I'll enjoy it. It's too long since I played the tourist.'

They stopped and Matthew pondered for a second, 'It would have to be a Saturday. Churches work on Sunday, and I work all the week days.'

'Then Saturday it is,' Edith said, glowing.

'Why don't you come along, Emma? It could be fascinating...'

Emma shook her head, 'No, thank you, I would sit this one out; Church history doesn't much interest me.'

Edith beamed gratefully at Emma and turned to Matthew.

'There, it's settled. Saturday it is. I'll get Lynch to sort out the governess cart and I'll pick you up at about eleven. Are you coming, Emma?'

'In a minute,' Emma said and waved at Edith when she had walked off into the post.

She turned to Matthew, giving him a knowing look, 'Oh, honestly, why did you invite me? Are you blind to notice that she still has feelings for you? I don't want my sister ripping my hair apart.'

'I don't know how to break it to her that I am not interested,' Matthew said, looking at Edith's back, then back at Emma, helpless.

'Well, as long as you do it gently. We may be friends; however, Edith is my sister and I don't want to see her heartbroken.' Emma said firmly.

Emma left Matthew and went after Edith.

Later that night, Emma was dressed in navy blue frock and she went over to Mary's bedroom and was surprised to see Edith there.

'You don't think you're being a bit obvious,' Mary quipped to Edith.

Edith scoffed at Mary.

'I agree, it may put him off,' Emma said, backing up Mary. 'Try to be subtle. I suppose Men like a bit mystery.'

Edith glowered at Emma and Mary.

'Coming from both of you, that's rich.'

'What is that suppose to mean?' Emma snapped at Edith, her eyebrows furrowing.

Edith rolled her eyes and said haughty, 'Isn't it obvious?'

Emma turned to see her mother entered the room, wearing a black frock, and she smiled and said, 'There was a letter from Mr. Napier in the evening post.'

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