A Crack in the Silence

Start from the beginning

That request surprised the transfer student. "Umm... What?"

"Like you did to my sister! Do that to me~!"

Guren wasn't the only one baffled by the request; the rest of the band girls were as well.

"You know, Hina, normally people don't ask to get hurt for any reason," Lisa told her.

"Yeah. And I only did what I did because you girls were being ridiculous while having such an important event coming up," Guren reasoned.

"Normally, people don't do suplex on others for any reason either," Ran muttered.

"Well words were clearly not getting through to you. What else was I suppose to do? Don't you know action speaks louder than words?"

"She's not wrong..." Tsugumi said.

"So then, if I don't practice for the Girls Band Party, will you do it then?" Hina asked.

Guren sweat dropped at this. "You know, you're just as insistent as that blonde was when I flipped her. I'm still amazed she landed on her feet when I did," she stated.

Maya let out a small laugh. "Ahaha... sorry, about Hina-san," she apologized.

"It's fine," Guren waved off. "So, do you have a group meeting later today?"

"No. Some of us have things to do today," Lisa answered then.

"But that doesn't mean we will shirk our practice," Ran added.

"Guren-senpai, will you be at work today?" Himari asked.

"Yeah, I'll be there," Guren answered. "CiRCLE is still understaffed. The more help Marina-san has for the event, the better."

"With how considerate you are, it makes me forget how violent you are," Moca stated.

"That is true. But wasn't it because of that violence you and Lisa-senpai were saved?" Tomoe recalled.

"I object to such claim," Guren said then. "For one thing, I didn't get violent at those three stooges. I was just doing my own business when they so foolishly decided to try and mess with me, only to get hit back hard by karma."

Kaoru lightly chuckled at this. "Now, now. No need to be so humble, dear Heroine-san," she said. "As Shakespeare once said, 'Be great in act, as you have been in thought'."

"Meaning...?" Ran questioned.

"In other words, it is but that~."

"I don't know much Shakespeare, but I'm pretty sure that's not what the quote meant," Guren said.

Himari looked at one direction and realized something. "Hey. Haven't those girls been looking this way for a while?"

At those words, the group minus Yukina, Ran, and Guren looked where the bassist of Afterglow was looking and saw some girls looking their way, before breaking eye contact with them.

"I can only assume it's because of what this group is composed of," Maya guessed.

"That's true. We have Afterglow members, two of Roselia members, a pair of idols, and Kaoru-senpai," Moca pointed out.

"When you put it that way, this is quite the group we have here," Tomoe stated.

"Pay them no mind," Yukina spoke. "It doesn't change what we need to do."

"She's right. Whatever crazy rumors will come from this meeting will be nothing but rumors anyway," Guren said.

"Why are you making it sound like people will talk bad about us?" Himari asked.

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